How to Be a Conscious Eater

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Bottom line: You’re best off with a third-party-verified stamp.
According to Consumer Reports, two of the most meaning-
ful labels for grass-fed products are “American Grassfed” and
“PCO Certified 100% GrassFed”:
“American Grassfed.” This means the cow—or goat,
lamb, or other animal—really ate only grass or forage
(or hay in winter, which is dried grass). The exception
is when they (rightfully) had milk from their mother
before they were weaned. Certified by the American
Grassfed Association, it also means animals were raised
only on pasture.
“PCO Certified 100% GrassFed.” This label applies only to
beef and dairy products from cows, so it means the cat-
tle really ate only grass or forage (or hay in winter). It’s
provided by the Pennsylvania Certified Organic organi-
zation and is a reminder that the healthy diets of dairy
cows involve many of the similar benefits as those of
beef cattle.
To sum up, grass-fed red meat and dairy products are
good—because they’re more nutritious, lower in calories, and
better for the animals—but not great, because the net green-
house gas emissions aren’t yet clear, and you’re still eating red
meat and dairy products.

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