How to Be a Conscious Eater

(Jacob Rumans) #1
7 Cut time on the grill. The AICR recommends partially pre-
cooking your meat (such as by baking or in the microwave)
to minimize the length of time it is exposed to the flame.
The explanation is that the longer the chemical reaction
takes place, the thicker the charred crust and the higher
the concentration of HCAs. The institute also suggests cut-
ting meat into smaller pieces so it will cook faster. (Again:
kabobs.) For its part, the Harvard T.  H. Chan School of
Public Health offers a guide to healthy picnics, which sug-
gests grilling in foil to speed up cooking time. They note
that you’ll also expose the food to less smoke that way.
8 Reduce fuel for the fire, so to speak. To minimize your
exposure to PAHs, experts recommend selecting leaner
cuts of meat or trimming any visible fat. Not piercing your
meats while they’re on the grill is suggested for the same
reason, which is to lower the amount of fats or juices that
drip down through the grates and come back up in the

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