How to Be a Conscious Eater

(Jacob Rumans) #1




s with most lifestyle changes, calling it quits on one thing
you do/eat/use means finding a suitable replacement
thing to do/eat/use instead. Here are ten ways to break up
with plastic, complete with suitable rebound candidates.
1 Make glass your go-to. For storing, transporting, drinking,
and eating, choose glass when possible. Stainless steel and
silicone are also good choices.
2 Never heat plastic. Many meals come in plastic containers
—soup, frozen dinners, take-out food, leftovers from a
restaurant, preportioned prepared foods from the grocery
deli counter. When possible, keep plastic containers to a
minimum—bring your own containers to your favorite
restaurant for takeout or to use for any leftovers—but if you
do end up with a plastic container, do not heat your food in
it. Warmer temperatures leach plastic chemicals into your
food and drink. Instead, pour them into a different vessel
before warming them up—
heat-safe glass, porcelain, or
ceramic containers to
microwave or to heat
on the stovetop or in
the oven. For the same
reason, don’t put most
plastic containers in
the dishwasher.

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