How to Be a Conscious Eater

(Jacob Rumans) #1
plastics. Some retailers are even rebranding these as plas-
tic-free aisles. To minimize the use of the bags they have
on hand (which, at least, are increasingly compostable),
bring your own small reusable bags (cloth, for instance).
7 Pick plastic-free pots. Many home coffee machines have
BPA in their tubing or plastic components. Consider using a
French press instead.
8 #StopSucking. Think twice before using a straw. If you
or someone in your care is disabled and can drink only
through a straw, or if you just really prefer to drink bever-
ages through straws, opt for a less harmful material like
the many compostable options made of bamboo or hay, or
the reusable stainless steel ones. (Paper ones look cute but
don’t hold up well.)
9 Choose by numbers. If you look closely at the bottom of a
plastic container or plastic bag, you’ll typically see a lit-
tle number inside a triangle. It refers to the type of plastic
used and whether it can be recycled in your area. Download
the recycling guidelines for plastic in your municipality so
you can increase the proportion of your household plastic


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