How to Be a Conscious Eater

(Jacob Rumans) #1
tree, allergies to, 7, 209, 236,

  1. See also specific nuts
    Nutrient-poor foods, 189–90, 191,
    Nutrification, 188
    Nutrition Facts panel, 33, 176–80,
    181, 183, 185, 221
    Oat milk, 48–50
    Oats and oatmeal, 31–32, 228–30
    Ocean pollution, 168–69
    Oils, 3, 62–65; coconut, 66–67;
    palm, 64, 254; production
    methods and point of origin of,
    64–65; smoke point of, 62–63
    Olive oil, 62, 63, 65, 66–67, 86, 161
    Omega-3 fatty acids, 103–4, 114,
    128, 156
    Organic foods, 14–17, 19, 71, 73;
    being strategic on, 18; Certified
    Organic or USDA Organic,
    75–76, 126, 133, 146–47,
    155; oils, 65; regenerative
    agriculture and, 71–74; rice,
    arsenic in, 40
    Packaged foods, 159–221; added
    sugars in, 178–79, 180, 181,
    196–202; containers and
    packaging materials for, 160,
    164–66, 214, 215, 216, 217,
    219, 221; healthfulness of
    processed foods and, 161–63;
    labels of, 176–86 (see also
    Labels); meal kits, 214–20;
    profits and, 194–95; safe vs.
    scary ingredients in, 203–4
    Palm oil, 64, 163, 254
    Paris climate agreement, 90
    Parmesan, 85–86, 87, 204
    Partially hydrogenated oils, 178
    PCBs, 114
    PCO Certified 100% Grassfed, 52,
    102, 151
    Peanut(s): allergies to, 28, 241,
    242, 243; butter, 162; oil, 63

183, 206–8; distraction tactics
and, 183–85; on front of
product, 182–86; health claims
on, 183, 186; ingredients on,
160, 162, 180, 181, 203–4, 221;
Nutrition Facts panel, 33,
176–80, 181, 183, 185, 221; of
whole grains, 34; words with
little meaning on, 185–86. See
also Third-party certification
Lactose, 42, 50
Lamb (and sheep), 23, 27, 45, 82,
94, 97, 100
Lead, in drinking water, 9, 11–12
Leftovers, 25, 215, 217–18
Legumes (beans), 26–28, 74, 84,
104, 192, 195

Manure, 72
Marine Stewardship Council
(MSC), 111, 119, 152–53
Meal kits, 214–20
Meat, 92–102, 122, 210; lab-grown,
94–95; nose-to-tail eating and,
94; processed, 134–38, 206–7.
See also Animal-based foods;
Animal welfare; specific meats
Mercury, 86, 104–6, 110, 212
Metabolic syndrome, 198
Microplastics, 168–69
Milks: cow’s, 3, 6, 48, 50, 51, 52, 59,
122, 208, 209, 210, 241; plant-
based, 48 –51
Millet, 36, 37
Modified food starch, 203–4
Mold, 206, 208
Monounsaturated fat, 46
Mulch, 72
Multigrain, 34

“Natural,” on labels, 186, 204
Nitrogen fixation, beans and,
Nut(s), 3, 27, 84, 104, 209, 236, 241;
butters, 161, 162; milks, 49;

Index 267
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