How to Be a Conscious Eater

(Jacob Rumans) #1
examples of things not to waste range from burgers you
grill in the backyard to a supermarket deli sandwich you
bring home to a broccoli beef stir-fry from your take-out

3 Love your leftovers. Like produce, leftovers are one of the
most commonly wasted types of food. This is one of sev-
eral examples of how reducing food waste at home actually
starts away from home: When you’re out, think before you
order, aiming for no leftovers. If you have any, eat or freeze
them within four days. Designate a section of the refrig-
erator as “eat this first.” Use certain days of the week to
focus on your leftovers—Stir-Fry Fridays, say, or Waste-
Less Wednesdays.

4 Make food visible. Fruits and vegetables are usually wasted
because they spoil or get moldy. Make sure they don’t get
pushed to the back of the fridge or buried in the crisper, or
get dusty in a bowl on the table. Keep them where you’ll see
them, and keep them looking ready to eat.

5 Pop it in the freezer. According to Gunders, you can freeze
just about anything, including bread (best if you slice it),
cheese (best if you shred it), and even milk and eggs (best if
you scramble them raw out of their shells first).

Stuff that Comes from the Ground 25
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