How to Be a Conscious Eater

(Jacob Rumans) #1

is useful in preventing death from heart disease and offers
benefits to the immune system and brain function, not to men-
tion eyesight and conditions like eczema. Aim for at least one
serving of foods rich in omega-3s per day. (If you’re pregnant or
trying to become pregnant, this is especially important.) High
sources of omega-3s include not only the foods mentioned
above but walnuts, dark green leafy vegetables, and flaxseeds.
In the animal kingdom, turn to fish, the fattier the better: not
only salmon and sardines, but tuna, mackerel, and herring.
And although you can get omega-3s from grass-fed beef, it’s
not the best source. Omega-6s are something some people are
concerned about, too, but getting them takes less proactive
measures than consuming omega-3s.

All fats—animal or plant—contain combinations of satu-
rated and unsaturated fatty acids. It’s inevitable to get some
of the not-so-good saturated fats carried along with your good
monos and polys. When you consume appropriate, healthy
amounts of fats, the good monos and polys outweigh the

1 Sauté vegetables with vegetable oil, rather than butter.

2 Rather than spreading bread with butter, dip it in olive oil.

3 Bake cookies with canola oil, rather than shortening.

4 Cook fish or chicken for dinner, rather than beef or pork.

5 Enjoy nuts and seeds as snacks, rather than a pastry or

6 Check the ingredients list and choose foods with canola or
soybean oil over palm or coconut oil.

Stuff that Comes from the Ground 47
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