New Scientist - March 28 2020

(ff) #1

Pmmilingto plant trees
im't enoughfo:rdimale
29 Feb.rau:y. p IO
Prom John Poot
Wokingham. Berltshi1fl, UK
I read.Adam Yaughan's discussion
of several initiatives to plant or
protect a trillion bees around the
world with interest. But. like all the
pieces I've read on the subject, it
seems to address only part of what
is reqmred to mate this eflective.
Surelythere should bea strategy
mature and felled wood.Burning
it or letting it rot away just mums
the carbon to the atmosphere.
Nature ofti!rs several solutions
for this, including presemng
wood in peat bogs or lakes.On
very long timescales, this can lead
to the formation of oil and coal.

Kirby Muxl~ Leicestmhi1fl, UK
I am curious to know what
percentage of the promised
newly planted trees will smvive
to an age at which they can be
conslde!ed to be "established".
Forenmple, 1n the 2019 UK
general election, parties proposed
tree planting to counter domestic
carbon emissions. But if many
new trees don't get established.
then the net effect would be a lot
less than advertised. Are there any
studies that provide estimates for
tree planting success ratesl

the wont of both worlds

J.attms, IFeb:nwy
Flom Tbby.Pemra,
Anna 2'.ee says motion sickness
would be an issue for people
deprived of a sense of control
1be problem she raises of a
driver potentially having to take
over a semi-autonomous vehicle

when afilicted in this way is
just another good reason why
semi-autonomous wbic1.ea are
less sate than those that are
are fully autonomous.

If we live ma simulation,
we can't del>uglls code
New Yori:. US
Reaclingthe recent J.etten
about whether or not we live in
to think about the matter of
software bugs ifthis were true.
Every piece of software of
any complexity contains them,
and presumably the software
engineers who ClOded the
simulation in which we may live
also left a few (orpelhaps more
what is or isn't a bug can d.epencl
upon one's point of view.
To the software engineers, a bug
is computer code that produces
an unintended result But, being
inside the simulation, we couldn't
recognise such a bug because, to
us, it would simply be a part of the
basic structure ofourunivene.
It would be a brute fact or"law
ofnatwe~ Or perhaps we could
recognise it as an anomaly that
doem'tmalce sense in tennsof
physics, anyone?).
Perhaps I, or at least some of my
traits, could be the resuh of a bug.
Perhaps this letter to New Scientist
could be the same.
From within the simulation.
we naturally couldn't examine the
nor, most likely, bemwtenough
Part of the reason for that state
of affairs Is that, undoubtedly, the
software engineers wouldn't want
to make us as bright as they are.
even if that were possible. I


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Views From the archives

50yearsago,New Sdentlst
looked even further back
t.o the dawn of universities

SIXluldrlKl,._.qio, -,..etnepllllsonwhlcl'I
........... wnthecathollcCllUIG, theHolv
Roman Empire1ndthe•lversi~ 'ltlllishow
lertnml, Lard IDwden, __..of the llnlversitJof
Mlnchellll lnstllul9 of Sderaend 'RldlnolalJlnthe
UK, opened elghtpagesaf GM1agean-unmnsltles
and SocletV' an 26Man::h1970.
He charted how mhralilles Gmle about,
indllllng. pivolal rnamantln 1"3.5 ..... the
radaroftheUniwrlltyof Pn19uewasburnecl.OW,
......... fled fnPll'lic-to-Helclelblrglftd
_....,...~-....... fttependent
modelthevfaundeda.e .... 1stec1 lnEngland.
..................... allnclependenat,
naladliatl-~rypoetMatllew AmDlcl
.rcllsaMNd liatcantlnllltalsdlolarsrefusldlD
adcnowled1ea..tOxfonlW111a•lwrlily.. ltwa
Kians al the artstacncy.• ns 1mage-a..un1s • fn
lnlDthe 20llcmtury.,,.,,unlvenilles_,.lulh
touaiptenginwlngwl'8dmolDU •MIJKIS
.....,of studV, wrata Bawden. Again, he llnlllld
thlslD ldllasalh:lependenat:llltlsJust mwrang
for IRvlnltlmto allowtllalmllum ID be damlnatad
11JlndultryarbJthe11HM•••iMl •ltlsforthem
~ ... ~ ..
pmrtof~lnwNchJamlhln ... Nld•thel.mdon
School of Emnamlcsw:I studentTanyNorden
•a11ega11ons that local h:luslrlallsls-._. been
Mil~atthe~aflilrcrfw.wlck,UIC. lbe

  1. Alparts ...................... ,. .. ...
    ........ ., .... nillnlUan .... becoml-..'""'811'8Cl
    pnacbws ofh mhrei'lllv, and thllttheocmplm
    found tlles an SUMlllanca atstaft
    attheurs0penun1ver111y anc1111mun11w
    dllbinc:e lelmlng. It wauld, Geaffrer Hollsler ...
    MlcNlel Pentz preclided, bl the perfect llttlng to
    hlillRftlledourpag•CMll'the halfanturyllnca
    Mike Holden'llm

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