The Economist 14Dec2019

(lily) #1
The EconomistDecember 14th 2019 United States 31


or threeyears, Donald Trump and his
supporters have insisted that the fbi’s
investigation into links between his cam-
paign and Russia was dishonestly predicat-
ed, and rooted in “deep state” contempt
and political bias. William Barr, Mr
Trump’s attorney-general, even con-
demned the fbifor “spying” on Mr Trump’s
campaign. They hoped that a report from
Michael Horowitz, the Justice Depart-
ment’s inspector-general, would bolster
those claims. Released on December 9th,
Mr Horowitz’s thorough 476-page report
showed serious problems with the investi-
gation, particularly regarding the surveil-
lance of Carter Page, an erratic member of
Mr Trump’s campaign, but no conspiracy
and no evidence of systemic bias.
Its most fundamental finding was un-
equivocal: Crossfire Hurricane, as the in-
vestigation was called, was amply justified.
It did not begin, as Mr Trump and his de-
fenders claimed, with a dossier created by
Christopher Steele, a former British spy.
The Crossfire Hurricane team did not even
see his work until two months after open-
ing their investigation, on July 31st 2016.
That was three days after the fbire-
ceived a tip from “a friendly foreign gov-
ernment” (Australia, though the report
does not name it) that George Papadopou-
los, a campaign foreign-policy adviser,
“suggested the Trump team had received
some kind of suggestion from Russia that it
could assist.” That was the only trigger, Mr
Horowitz’s report found, and it was both le-
gitimate and carefully considered.
Among Mr Trump’s accusations was
that Peter Strzok and Lisa Page—respec-
tively an fbiagent and lawyer who were
having an affair during the election—were
central to the “witch-hunt” against him.
The report found that Ms Page played no
role, and Mr Strzok just a minor one, in the
decision to open the investigation.
More broadly, it found no evidence that
“political bias or improper motivation in-
fluenced the decisions” to investigate Mr
Papadopoulos or the three other campaign
members with links to Russia: Mr Page; Mi-
chael Flynn, briefly Mr Trump’s national-
security adviser; and Paul Manafort, Mr
Trump’s former campaign chairman, now
imprisoned for a variety of financial
crimes. Crossfire Hurricane might more
accurately be considered an investigation
of these four men, each of whom had deal-
ings with Russia’s government, than of Mr

Trump’s campaign more generally.
The report did find multiple “signifi-
cant errors or omissions” in the fbi’s appli-
cations to wiretap Mr Page, however. These
errors “made it appear that the information
supporting probable cause was stronger
than was actually the case.” The fact that
there was no evidence of “intentional mis-
conduct” provides little comfort. If the pro-
cess for watching an American citizen was
so lax and error-ridden in such a politically
sensitive investigation, it may be worse in
less prominent cases. The investigators
“did not receive satisfactory explanations
for the errors or problems we identified.”
They also referred Bruce Ohr, a Justice De-
partment official whose wife worked for
the firm that contracted Mr Steele, to the

Office of Professional Responsibility for
“errors in judgment”.
This verdict will not end the partisan
bickering over the Russia investigation’s
origins. After the report’s release, Mr Barr
dismissed its findings, arguing that the fbi
may have acted in “bad faith”, and based its
investigation on “the thinnest of suspi-
cions”. John Durham, a prosecutor whom
Mr Barr has assigned to undertake yet an-
other investigation of the Russia probe’s
origins, also disagreed with “some of the
report’s conclusions as to predication.”
Steve Scalise, one of Mr Trump’s staunchest
defenders in Congress, said the report
“proves Obama officials abused their...
power to trigger an investigation,” when it
reaches the opposite conclusion. 7

The inspector-general’s inquiry into an
inquiry finds problems, but no bias


National inquirers


hen “sesame street”first aired on
November 10th, 1969, the first
indication that this was no ordinary
neighbourhood was when the eight-foot-
two-inch yellow-feathered Big Bird
appeared. At first he was depicted as a
country yokel, but by the end of that first
season the puppet’s operator, Carroll
Spinney, had changed tack. Mr Spinney,
who was Big Bird for five decades, played
him as a six-year-old child, with all the
wonder and sweetness that entails. (He
once told the New York Timesthat he
never got over being a child.) Big Bird
would become, if not always the star, the
soul of the Street.
“Sesame Street” uses skits and songs
to introduce little ones to letters and
numbers, and well as to concepts like
co-operation—and even death. A 2015
study showed that children who watched
the show were better prepared for school
and less likely to fall behind once there.
Big Bird was a large part of that hidden
curriculum. When he lost “my home, my
nest, my everything” in a hurricane, for
example, he learned to be optimistic.
Kermit the Frog often sang that “It’s
not easy being green”, but it wasn’t easy
being yellow, either. Big Bird’s suit, with
its 5,961 feathers, was burdensome. Mr
Spinney opened and shut Big Bird’s
eyelids by moving a 5lb (2.3kg) lever with
his little finger. His right arm was fully
extended to operate the heavy head and
neck. Since he could not see out of the
suit, a tiny monitor helped him manoeu-
vre. His understudy took over as Big
Bird’s puppeteer in 2015, but Mr Spinney
continued to be his voice until last year.
A puppeteer since childhood, he also

operated Oscar the Grouch, the sour to
Big Bird’s sweet. Oscar, who hoarded
junk and lived in a rubbish bin, gave
children permission to be cranky once in
a while. Mr Spinney’s own childhood was
tough. His father was exceedingly frugal
and sometimes violent. His mother
encouraged his love of puppets and art.
He spent a decade working in children’s
television, but wanted to do something
“more important”. A chance meeting
with Jim Henson, the Muppets’ creator,
gave him that opportunity.
Big Bird became ubiquitous, the man
inside remained unknown. In his mem-
oirs Mr Spinney wrote that it was only
the bird that was famous. But ensouling
him was instructive. Among the chapter
headings were “Find your inner bird”,
and “Don’t let your feathers get ruffled”.

Farewell feathered friend

Sesame Street

Carroll Spinney, puppeteer, died on December 8th

Big legs to fill
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