The Economist 14Dec2019

(lily) #1
Degrees of expense
United States, net cost of college attendance*
Annual, 2019 prices $’000

Source: College Board

*Tuition, fees, room and board less
student aid and tax benefits




2000 05 10 15 20

Public two-year ( in-district)

Public four-year ( in-state)

Private four-year


curious thingseems to be eternally
recurring in the Democratic presiden-
tial primary. Polices that not long ago
looked like far-reaching progressivism are
now deemed moderate milquetoastery by
the party’s left flank. A public option for
health insurance bores when compared
with Medicare for All, a proposed single-
payer set-up. Comprehensive immigration
reform is deeply unfashionable next to de-
criminalisation of illegal immigration and
the abolition of the nation’s immigration-
enforcement agency.
The same has happened with the debate
over higher-education costs. Pete Butti-
gieg, the moderate mayor of South Bend,
Indiana, newly rising in the polls, would
like to expand subsidies significantly for
public institutions. But he proposes to ex-
tend free tuition only to families making
less than $100,000 a year (70% of all house-
holds), not to all students. For this, Alexan-
dria Ocasio-Cortez, a popular lefty con-
gresswoman, has accused him of parroting
“a goptalking point used to dismantle pub-
lic systems”. “Just like rich kids can attend
public school, they should be able to attend
tuition-free public college,” she added.
Ms Ocasio-Cortez’s preferred candidate,
Bernie Sanders, is offering a maximalist
solution to the problem. Not only would all
tuition fees at public institutions be elimi-
nated, but all $1.6trn of existing student-
loan debt, from both public and private
universities, would be cancelled. Elizabeth
Warren, another leading progressive can-
didate, has a similar plan, though with a
few more conditions on debt forgiveness.
She reckons her plan would cost $1.25trn
over a decade, paid for by her (at this point
somewhat overextended) wealth tax,
whereas Mr Sanders thinks his would cost
$2.2trn, which he would pay for by hitting
“Wall Street speculators” with a 0.5% tax on
all trades of stock.
Arrayed against this sort of solution are
the ideas of ideologically moderate con-
tenders like Michael Bennet, Joe Biden, Mr
Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar, who would
like to subsidise higher education more
without making it entirely free. Unlike the
debates over Medicare for All and immigra-
tion, the agitation of the progressive wing
over free college probably does not run the
same risk of electoral backlash; few Ameri-
cans are committed to the current system
of university financing. Finding the opti-
mal solution, however, requires a clear un-

derstanding of two matters: the scope of
the current problem and the best way to
target the benefits of enlarged subsidies.
The stereotypical embodiment of
America’s high university costs, much
loved by journalists, is the part-time ba-
rista with a liberal-arts degree and a six-
digit debt. Such luckless espresso-pullers
undoubtedly exist, but they are far from
typical. The average recipient of a bache-
lor’s degree in America graduated with
$16,800 in outstanding debt. Though this is
24% higher than it was in 2003, it seems
unlikely to trigger the kind of indentured
servitude so often imagined.
One reason that public perception and

reality are so misaligned is the preoccupa-
tion with the costs of elite private colleges
(which have indeed rocketed). In 2000 tu-
ition at Harvard cost $31,400 per year with-
out financial aid in current dollars. Today it
costs $46,300. In part because America de-
votes considerable public dollars to higher
education—spending twice as much as a
share of gdpthan Britain, for example—
costs are lower than imagined. After aid
and tax benefits are taken into account,
private colleges charge an average of
$27,400 each year in tuition and fees. In-
state public college costs much less—about
$15,400 on average—whereas local two-
year colleges cost just $8,600.
A universal college benefit would dis-
proportionately help families that are al-
ready comfortable. Even among young
Americans (those between the ages of 25
and 29), only 37% have a bachelor’s degree
or a more advanced one. They are dispro-
portionately white and wealthy. There are
clear public benefits from higher educa-
tion, but also considerable private benefits,
given the large wage premium college grad-
uates enjoy over less-educated workers.
Nor would free college do much to advance
racial minorities. Racial inequalities in
educational attainment, which persist in
the present cohort of young Americans,
probably owe more to the quality of earlier
schooling than the anticipated cost of col-
lege. For that reason, universal pre-kinder-
garten may be a more effective use of re-
sources than universal free college.
Few countries in the world guarantee
free college, but in most countries college
is cheaper than in America. One outlier is
Denmark, where colleges are not only free,
but international students also receive a
monthly stipend of 6,166 kroner ($914).
That could make for a nice Democratic
presidential platform in 2024. 7

Should the federal government subsidise students, or make college free?

The Democratic primary

College free-for-all

More woke than broke

32 United States The EconomistDecember 14th 2019

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