Daily News New York City. March 29, 2020

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

36 Sunday,March 29, 2020 DAILY NEWSNYDailyNews.com

Email to [email protected], or send fax to (212) 643-7831,
or post your letter to Voice of the People, Daily News,
4 New York Plaza, New York, NY 10004.
Please include full name, address and daytime phone number.
The Daily News reserves the right to edit letters.

Mask on, not off
Whitestone: I was shocked to
go into my local market and
see how many people were
not wearing masks. What
don’t you people understand?
I’m a cancer patient and I’m
wearing a mask for you, not
me. My mask prevents me
from spreading the virus to
you, and by you not wearing a
mask, you are compromising
my health and everyone else
who is vulnerable. I asked the
young cashier, “It must be
hard to work all day in a
mask?” To which she replied,
“At times, but we wear them
for the customers.” A teen-
ager has more brains than
half this town. And please
don’t tell me masks are lim-
ited. If my 90-year-old mom
can make masks out of vacu-
um cleaner bags and paper
towels, so can you. All grocery
stores should post signs: No
mask — Go home.
Stella McGuire

Mooch food
North Babylon, L.I.: Voicer
Rosemary McClane is abso-
lutely right. With all the “free
stuff ” given to people with
children was there really a
need to consider keeping
public schools open during
the Chinese virus crisis so the
“starving children” can get
free lunch? Really? How
about the parents feed their
own children with all the
“free” services they have —
WIC, welfare, food stamps,

food pantries? Please stop
having children if you cannot
take care of them. People who
work are tired of having to
pay for those who do not help
themselves. We pay for their
education, isn’t that enough?
Elizabeth Mugno

New normal
Whitestone: So many people
resent change! In this time of
crisis, when we are told to
“shelter in place” except for
absolute necessities, the folks
who cannot abide change
often suffer from bouts of
depression! The answers are
not easy, but we all must learn
to accept what events sur-
round us at the moment and
adapt to these new situations
as best as we can!
Leonore Brooks

Luxury care
Barryville, N.Y.: Voicer Francis
Viola asks, “New York is look-
ing for space to care for those
sick with the coronavirus.
How many high school, col-
lege and private indoor
basketball courts are there in
New York State?” I ask in-
stead why the Trump hotels
aren’t offering their spaces
and rooms to take in the over-
flow of patients and lack of
hospital beds?
John Tomlinson

Simon says
Ledyard, Conn.: I’m con-
cerned that President
Trump’s narcissistic tenden-
cies include magical think-

ing. With regard to the co-
ronavirus, his beliefs and
actions show that he thinks
if he downplays the virus it
will go away, and if he de-
clares war he can defeat it
like a superhero. He desper-
ately wants the economy to
bounce back before election
time and his rhetoric defies
the scientific input of the
experts. Please, everyone,
listen to the experts, not the
politicians. If we all follow
the directions to physically
isolate this will be over with
alot faster.
Lisa Allen

First in line
Brooklyn: The Texas lieuten-
ant governor suggests the
elderly should risk their lives
to save the economy. Does he
realize that the three men
campaigning for the presi-
dency are well into their ’70s?
Bill Brown

False equivalencies
Manhattan: How ironic:
Those who falsely cried
“death panels” in response to
the Affordable Care Act are
now pushing for a quick
return to business-as-usual, a
move that would guarantee
spiraling COVID-19 deaths.
Comparing COVID-19’s death

toll to that of automobile
accidents or past flus is not
only comparing apples to
oranges; it is dangerously
misleading. We have seat
belts and driving laws that
help prevent or reduce auto
deaths. We have flu vaccines
to help prevent or reduce flu
deaths. We have no proven
vaccine or cure for COVID-19.
Staying home and limiting
activity to essential services
are the only known ways to
stop spreading the virus and
ensure a real economic recov-
ery. Janet Barnhart

Rental wars
Neponsit: Interesting piece by
John Teufel (“Gov, please
cancel our rents,” op-ed,
March 25). As a landlord, I
find this article disturbing.
Tenants’ obligation to pay
rent is canceled? What about
the landlords’ obligation to
pay the mortgage(s), property
taxes, water bills, utilities and
repairs? Do all of those ex-
penses get “canceled” too?
We rely on rental income to
help pay the never-ending
and always increasing ex-
penses. Most landlords like
me struggle to pay the bills
and Teufel’s “cancel rent”
recommendation would bury
us. Rob Rose

Maspeth: Dear Mr. Gover-
nor and MTA higher ups: I
don’t know who is the brains
behind the stupidity of cut-
ting service in the New York
City subway, Metro-North
and the Long Island Rail
Road but you are all a bunch
of idiots. I keep hearing talk
about flattening the curve
and social distancing. I am a
Local 3 electrician blue
collar worker who’s been
determined to be essential.
How about you use some
brains and don’t cut service
so us essential workers
won’t be packed into trains
because ridership is down
and you people are worried
about saving money. Every-
day de Blasio and Cuomo say
how important New York
lives are. How about you
show us essential workers
how important our lives are?
Lance Lovejoy

‘High’ tax state
Cortlandt Manor, N.Y.: Maybe
now is a good time to legalize
recreational marijuana use.
Think of all the extra revenue
it would bring in. It would
help with the moneys the
state is going to need in the
near future. Steven Deleo

Guns won’t kill the coronavirus



taten Island:I’ve read several times now that the sales
of guns and ammunition have skyrocketed with the
advent of the coronavirus. For the life of me, I’m trying
to figure out at what point in time someone with a gun
would use it because of the circumstances that come
along with this virus. Will they walk into a store with a gun,
run over to a counter where the last roll of toilet paper is and
after arguing with a competing customer, shoot them? Will
they be refused a virus test because they don’t meet all the
qualifications, pull out their gun and shoot the health-care
worker? Do they think people will burst into their homes to
raid their refrigerators and medicine chests, so they have to
stay sentry over them with their guns?
On the other hand, I’ve met many people who have self-
lessly gone out of their way to help others during this time of
crisis in ways that even possibly put their own lives at risk. Yet
here we have people who are not just selfish, but downright
dangerous, stockpiling weapons as if we are being invaded by
life-threatening aliens from another planet. It’s times like this,
acrisis of this nature, that bring out the best and the worst in
people. I’d rather consider myself a member of the former.
Dennis Pascale
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