Daily News New York City. March 29, 2020

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

74 Sunday,March 29, 2020 DAILY NEWSNYDailyNews.com



o much uncertainty.
Baseball’s owners
and the players union
ha v e r e a c h e d a n
agreement on critical
salary and service time as
well as other issues, like the
draft, in the wake of the co-
ronavirus crisis. The most
important issue of all —
when the season will start —
is still very much up in the
air, and so, too, is the di-
lemma for hundreds of high
school and college players
fa c i n g a r u d e f i n a n c i a l
squeeze if they are not se-
lected in a draft shortened
to five rounds.
On the surface, you’d
have to say the players got a
major concession from the
owners on the service time
issue: If they are active for
the shortened season, they
still get a full year of service
ti m e. S o p l a y e r s l i k e
Mookie Betts, J.T. Real-
muto, Trevor Bauerand
Marcus Stroman are still
gu a r a n t e e d t h e i r f r e e
agency come November no
matter what happens with
the season. For the Dodgers,
who gave up outfielder Alex
Verdugo, with great poten-
tial, and a top prospect in
Jeter Downs for Betts, it
may be just tough luck for
them if they get only a lim-
ited season (or none) for
him. They made the trade.
They have to live with it.
Besides, they were always
the most likely team to sign
Betts as a free agent anyway.
One of the big trade-offs
for the owners, besides
agreement from the union
not to sue them for their full
salaries if there’s no season,
was the union agreeing to
limit the draft, which is now
slated to be moved from
June to sometime in July
and limited to five rounds.
For those players who are
dr a f t e d , n o t h i n g m u c h
changes other than their
bonuses being deferred into
July 2021 and 2022. But for
the hundreds of players not
drafted, they can be signed
for $10,000 or less.
This will represent an
enormous savings for the
owners who, even before
the coronavirus pandemic,
were looking to limit the
number of players in their
organizations by eliminat-
ing 42 minor league teams
and drastically shorten the
amount of rounds in the
draft. It does seem very un-
American that hundreds of
high school and college kids

who were looking at decent
six-figure bonuses if drafted
in the first 10 rounds, could
ha v e t h e i r n e g o t i a t i o n
rights bargained away by a
third party — the Players

As s o c i a t i o n — w h i c h
do e s n ’ t e v e n r e p r e s e n t
Those kids are about to
find themselves in baseball
limbo. If they want to play

pr o b a s e b a l l t h i s y e a r,
they’ll have to settle for a
token $10,000. As one play-
er advisor/rep told me:
“The amateur players are
being railroaded. They get

to be the only Americans
who can be paid less than
the minimum wage.”
The high school kids can
merely opt to go to college,
or if they want to get drafted
next year, perhaps go to a
junior college. But what
about the college juniors
who choose to stay in school
and may lose part of their
sc h o l a r s h i p s w h i l e a l s o
risking having a bad year or
getting hurt and losing all
th e i r l e v e r a g e b e c a u s e
they’ll be a year older?
I’m told most of the clubs
already have prepared 75%
of their drafts through all of
last year’s scouting of the
high schools, colleges, Per-
fect Game tournaments,
Cape Cod League etc. plus
all the video at their dispos-
al. Still, as one scout told
me: “Even with all the info
we have, we’ll be kinda
drafting blind, having not
seen these kids this year,
which is why I’m sure is one
of the reasons they wanted
to limit it to five rounds.”
Last week, MLB sent out
amemorandum to all the
clubs informing them that
their scouts were prohib-
ited from having any con-
tact whatsoever with ama-
teur players under the pen-
alty of the scouts being fired
and the club losing a draft
pick. It’s understandable
that MLB is a little sensitive
about cheating these days.


e r h a p s o n e g o o d
thing that’s come out
of all this uncertainty
is the negotiations
between MLB and
MiLB over MLB’s proposal
to e l i m i n a t e 4 2 m i n o r
league teams now being on
hold indefinitely. There are
too many issues far more
important, and quite pos-
sibly a few minor league
clubs might not be able to
survive losing half their sea-
son or more. But even after
the coronavirus crisis has
passed and MLB gets back
to normal — and right now
even normal looks like a
season extending into No-
vember, quite possibly with
pl a y o f f g a m e s i n w a r m
weather or domed stadium
neutral sites — does MLB
really want to push this mi-
no r l e a g u e c o n t r a c t i o n
scheme and throw hun-
dreds more Americans out
of work?
Aside to Mr. Manfred:
That would not be a good



MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred made some big moves this week amid coronavirus shutdown. AP

Prospects to

feel the pinch

Shortened draft due to shutdown

will cost prep and college players

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