In general, the more we human beings focus on good nutrition and
attain a high level of physical fitness, the more capable we are of accom
plishing tasks, the more focused we are in our thoughts, and the more
clearheaded we are. These are all attributes you’ll need if you find yourself
struggling to survive.
For me, the importance of being physically fit is magnified when I
venture into the wild. I am accepting the risk of undertaking these activi
ties, and I have a responsibility to myself, my travel partners, and my family
to be properly prepared. This isn’t to say you can’t trek into the wilderness
if you’re not fit. But if you do, you’re putting yourself at a disadvantage
from the start.
As part of physical preparation, consider seeing to any nagging or
chronic health (including dental) conditions that may impede you. In the
Hollywood movie Cast Away, Tom Hanks’s character, Chuck Noland, was
marooned on an island with a painfully abscessed tooth. To me, that was
one of the most realistic parts of the film, because these things can happen.
If you are traveling in a group, it’s also a good idea to know what health
issues your partners have, in case you need to look after them.
If you suffer from a chronic condition such as diabetes or high blood
pressure, take this into account when planning your trip. And always carry
enough medication to last you for longer than you expect.
Finally, if you’re planning to travel to an exotic or tropical location,
make sure you receive any vaccinations you may need for diseases such as
yellow fever, malaria, cholera, typhoid, hepatitis, smallpox, polio, diphthe
ria, and tuberculosis; an antitetanus injection is also a must. Failure to get
the proper vaccines may leave you vulnerable to diseases prevalent in the
area. Note that some vaccinations must be administered over the course
of several months, so look into this well ahead of your departure.
Test Your Mental Fitness
survival equation. And the best way to prepare yourself mentally for an out
door adventure is to gain knowledge. Knowledge really is power, and it brings
you the confidence you need to survive should disaster strike. Review the
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