
(Martin Jones) #1

Maunyi can knock a full-grown man to the ground, if not kill him. So avoid
building close to anthills because ants and snakes use these as shelters.

Weather/Wind: Protection from the wind is a critical consideration in site
selection, for of all the elements, wind is the most likely to cause hypothermia.
It will slice through your temporary home no matter how well-built it is.
Build your shelter in a location that is as protected as possible. If you’re in hilly
terrain, make sure your site is on the leeward (downwind) side of a rise.

Wood: Assuming you are surviving in a part of the world that offers wood,
choose a spot that is close to it, both for building and for burning.

Beyond the five Ws, temperature is an important consideration when
selecting a site. If you’re in hilly terrain and seeking warmth, it’s typically
better to pick a spot about three-quarters of the way up a hill. Cold air set-
tles in the valleys at night, and the hilltops are often windy; both will chill
you in the middle of the night.
Another place to avoid putting up a shelter (in Africa especially) is under
or next to a fruit tree. Fruit attracts insects and animals, and ripe fruit will
fall on your shelter interfering with much-needed sleep. Bird droppings will
mess up your survival area. Avoid building on or near animal trails because
passing creatures might destroy your shelter and possibly hurt you.
Remember that time of year and geographic location will play a large
part in determining the ideal location for your shelter. You will want to
choose a location that is close to a source of drinking water, and in warm
regions or in summer, as free from insects as possible. In cold regions or in

stroud’s Tip

Don’t get hung up on what kind of shelter to
build. Anything that keeps you warm, dry, and protected is
a good shelter, regardless of the design. Remember, though,
that shelters made from forest materials are camouflaged and
difficult to see from above—not a good thing when there’s a chance
that passing planes are looking for you.

(^146) | Survive!

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