Always position any trap or snare in a location where there is evi
dence of animal activity: runs and trails, tracks, droppings, chewed or
rubbed vegetation. Try to disturb the area as little as possible when setting
the trap, otherwise you will tip animals off as to your presence.
The best areas to set traps and snares for small game are where dif
ferent types of forest meet, such as where an oldgrowth forest turns into a
swamp. The big animals come there for the small animals, which are there
for the smaller animals, and they are all there for a drink.
A simple snare is nothing more than a noose positioned along an animal’s path and
attached to a stake. The idea is that the noose tightens around the animal’s throat as it
passes through the snare. As the animal struggles to get out, the noose tightens.
stroud’s Tip
A simple noose is all you need to make an effective snare.
To make one, tie a small loop at the end of the rope. Pass the
working end of the rope through the loop to form the noose.
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