Even without snare wire or some kind of string or rope, you can catch
game by building traps. These run the gamut from very simple and basic to
extremely intricate and may include the use of rope. As with so many things
in survival, the simpler the better . . . and often the more successful.
Figurefour deadfall: A figurefour deadfall works by crushing its prey.
To be effective, the weight must be heavy enough to kill, or at least
immobilize your intended prey.
To make the trap, gather three sticks of approximately the same
size—anything from a few inches to a couple of feet (7.5 to 60 cm) if you
are going after big game—and notch them as shown in the picture.
Note that making an effective figurefour deadfall takes practice; the
skill with which you cut the angles in the sticks will determine how effec
tively it releases.
Figurefour deadfall sticks (top to bottom): the upright stick, the release stick, and the
bait stick.
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