The Arctic and Polar Regions
Top Three Wild Edibles:
caribou lichen (reindeer moss)
berries (in season)
willow shoots
Top Three Critters:
bird eggs (in season): The Arctic is one of the few places where you can find
entire colonies of bird eggs.
fish: Fishing in a place like the boreal forest is an uncertain undertaking. You
could walk through miles of thick bush without finding a lake. In the Arctic
in the summer, however, there are all kinds of running streams. (There aren’t
always fish in them, but checking streams is worth a shot.)
On the Sea or Open Water
Top Three Wild Edibles:
bull kelp
any other type of greenery
Top Three Critters:
barnacles and other crustaceans that attach themselves to the bottom of your
small fish that follow in the shade of your vessel
plankton: You can catch plankton by trailing an open sock behind your vessel.
The plankton collect in the sock, giving you a teaspoonful of salty mush.
(Of course, you should also try your hand at catching big fish from your
vessel, but this isn’t easy to do. Some have sustained themselves by killing
birds that occasionally landed on their vessels.)
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