
(Martin Jones) #1

Sandstorms are exclusive to deserts and can be devastating when they
occur. If you see one approaching, get downwind of a shelter, cover your
mouth and nose, and wait it out.

Region-Specific Dangers and Hazards

BECAUSE WEATHER CAN BE LOCALIZED to very small geographic areas, the best
way to learn about prevailing weather patterns is to do serious research
before departing on any trip. Locals will be your greatest source of infor-
mation here, so try to spend time, either before or at the beginning of your
trip, with someone who has been on the land.

Arid Regions, Deserts, and Canyons

Though more of a climatic concern than a weather event, extreme
heat can be a serious problem in these regions. Extreme heat can cause
cramps, exhaustion, and even stroke. If you’re becoming overcome by the
heat, get out of the sun and try to pour some water on your body. Con-
sume water in small amounts. Extreme heat kills and does so by pushing
your body beyond its natural limits. Under normal circumstances, your
body deals with heat by producing perspiration to cool itself through
evaporation. In instances of extreme heat (and humidity), however, this
evaporation process is slowed, forcing your body to work harder to main-
tain a normal temperature.

The Arctic and Polar Regions

Wind chill is the result of cold temperatures and wind. Do not expose
yourself to these elements in combination for any length of time.


River levels can rise as a result of a distant storm. Tropical rivers can rise by
as much as 20 feet (6 m) in a few hours. If you see the water level rising, get
as far away from the river as possible, preferably to higher ground.

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