Group Versus Solo Survival
IFYOU’RE INJURED, YOU’RE FAR BETTER OFF in a group because you’ll have
people around who can help you. Members of the group can lift and move
a sick or injured person.
One difficult decision you may have to make in a survival situation is
whether to leave an injured person or stay with them. If you are in a group
of two, leave only if your travel partner’s injuries are lifethreatening, you
can’t help him or her, and you know where safety and help lie. Before leav
ing, stabilize the victim, place him or her comfortably in a shelter, and
mark the area so that you can find it on your return.
In larger groups, send the fastest and most capable travelers for help
while others stay behind to tend to the wounded. Again, those who leave
should do so only if they are sure they will be able to reach help.
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