natural disasters and, 344
personal, 19–21, 353
tailoring them to your destination,
top five items in, 32
vehicle, 33–36, 355
survival situations, reacting to, 46–51
survival skills. See also specific topics
essential, 348
getting over the squeamishness of
destruction, 323
thinking like a sculptor, 321–22
thinking simplicity, 322
Survivorman (TV show), v
survivors, characteristics of, 40
swamp areas
food in, 211
shelter in, 178
water considerations in, 93
sweating, 290, 291, 295
duct, 22
marker or “surveyor’s,” 26
tarp, 36
tarp shelters, 165
text messaging, 29, 34
thirst, 73
thread, 27
three, as number signaling distress, 59, 63
throwing sticks, 203–4, 335
thunderstorms, 282
tidal waves. See tsunamis
tinder. See firestarting tinder
tipi, 164
toilet paper, 36
tools, 36, 323–24. See also specific tools
torches, making, 338
tracking insects, 76
tracks, animal, 202. See also animal trails
trailblazing, 242–44
traps, 193, 198
bottle, 200
Doug’s deadfall, 199–200
(^371) |Index
figurefour deadfall, 198
Paiute deadfall, 200, 201
where to set, 194–97
travel, survival, 64–65, 346. See also specific
natural disasters and, 346
at night, 224
planning and preparing for, 218
rate of travel, 222
regionspecific, 245–48
by water, 225–28
whether to stay or leave, 215–21
traveling in a straight line, 244
travel partners/group, 9. See also group vs.
solo survival
Traverse, Chris, vi, 295–96
for navigation, 239, 242–44
water from, 82, 83
tree torch, 61
“tree wells,” 160–61
triangle, three signal fires in shape of, 59
tsunamis, 273
underwear, as hunting tool, 334
ungulates, angry, 261
urine, 86
vegetation, observing changes in, 75
vegetation still, making a, 78–79
vehicle survival kit, 33–36, 355
vehicle wreckage signals, 62
vines, as source of water, 82
Wabakimi, Ontario, 144
watch, used as makeshift compass, 238
crossing, 226–28
rationing and preserving it in your
body, 72
traveling by, 225
untreated, 70, 71