Keeping a positive frame of mind is essential to survival, especially if you find yourself
suddenly alone. Stay focused on how you can improve your situation and you’ll find the
strength to go on.
time you take to assess and prioritize will go a long way toward reducing
your stress and any possible negative emotions, as you break your situation
down into individual hurdles or challenges and see how your worstcase
scenario improves:
Worstcase scenario: I’m going to freeze to death out here.
No, wait: there’s an old trapper’s cabin over on that hill with a stove
inside it and dead trees around. So now the worstcase scenario is that
I’m left out here to die alone, but at least I’ll be warm.
No, wait: my family knows that I had to be out of here within two days,
and they know where I am. So now my worstcase scenario is that I’m
Psychological Aspects of Survival (^) | 43