
(Martin Jones) #1
stroud’s Tip


letters SOS

Bush pilots have told me that if they see
that looks out of the ordinary on the ground—whether it
appears to be a signal fire or even just a tarp laid flat in the
middle of an open space—they will stop to check it out, regardless
of whether it’s an “official” distress signal such as a triangle or the

. Don’t overlook the value of a simple signal as well. A
coat hung on a tree has saved more than one life.

The Tree Torch: A variation on the signal fire is the tree torch, which
involves setting a single tree on fire. Although standing dead trees will
light most easily, live trees can also be set on fire, particularly ones that
bear sap. Paper birch trees are also very good tree torches; their thin bark
lights easily.
To make a tree torch, place dry wood in the lower branches and
light them. The flame will flare upward and should ignite the leaves
overhead. When creating a tree torch, select an isolated tree so you don’t
start a forest fire!
Although signal fires are the most common type of signal you make
yourself, there are other everyday (perhaps unexpected) items you can use
to signal and improve your chances of being found.

Clothing and rag signals: You can attract attention to yourself by wearing
bright-colored clothing that stands out against your surroundings (fluo-
rescent orange works best). If there’s no risk of them getting wet or blown
away, drape some of your extra clothing on nearby branches. Tie a brightly
colored rag or piece of clothing to your shelter too.

Ground signals: When making a signal on the ground, pick an open area that
can be seen easily from overhead. Remember that things are a lot smaller
when viewed from overhead, so size matters. Go as big as you can.
Those orange garbage bags in your survival kit have so many uses;
they make excellent ground signals since they usually provide stark con-
trast against earth tones. Lay them flat in a highly visible area and secure

Signaling | 61
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