Los Angeles Times - 03.04.2020

(C. Jardin) #1


AssistantPastor:f/t; Non-
profit Christian church;
conductpastoral activities;
Master of DivinityorRelated;
Resume:Riverside Korean
Baptist Church@5413 Tyler
St, Riverside,CA9 2503


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(Answers tomorrow)
Answer: The owner of the old Swedish car was telling
the mechanic his—“SAAB” STORY

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to form thesurpriseanswer,as
suggested by the above cartoon.

By DavidL.Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Unscramble theseJumbles,
one lettertoeachsquare,
to form four ordinary words.

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Case Number (Numerodel Caso): 18STLC

Harutium ArtVardanian

Interinsurance Exchange of theAuto Club

NOTICE!Youhavebeensued.The courtmay decide
againstyouwithoutyour being heardunlessyou
respond within 30 days.Read theinformation below.
Youhave30CALENDARDAYSafter th is summons
responseat this courtand have acopyservedonthe
plaintiff.Aletter or phonecall will not protectyou.
Your writtenresponse must be in proper legalform if
youwantthe courttohear your case.Theremay be
acourt form thatyou canuse foryour response.You
can find thesecourtforms andmoreinformationat
the CaliforniaCourts OnlineSelf-HelpCenter (www.
courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp),your county lawlibrar y, or
the courthouse nearestyou.If youcannot paythe fil-
ing fee, askthe courtclerk forafee waiverform. If you
do not fileyour response on time,you maylose the
case by defa ult, andyour wages,money,and property
maybetaken without furtherwarning from thecourt.
Thereare other legalrequirements.You may
wantto call anatto rney rightaway. If youdonot
know an atto rney,you maywanttocall anattor ney
referral service. If youcannot affordanattorney,you
maybeeligible forfreelegal services fromanonprofit
legal services program.Youcan locate these nonprofit
groupsat th eCaliforniaLegal Services WebSite(www.
lawhelpcalifornia.org), theCaliforniaCourts Online
Self-HelpCenter(www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), or
by contactingyour localcourtorcountybar associa-
tion. NOTE:Thecourt has astatutorylien forwaived
fees andcosts on anysettlementorarbitration award
of $10,000 or moreinacivil case.The court’slien must
be paid beforethe courtwill dismiss the case.
іAVISO!Lo han demandado.Sinoresponde
dentrode30dias,lacorte puede decider en su
contrasin escuchar suversion.Lealainformacion a
cont inuacion.
Tiene 30 DIAS DECALENDARIOdespu es de que
le entreguen esta citacionypapeles legales para
presenteruna respuesta por escritoenestacorte y
hacer que se entregue unacopia al demandante.Una
cartaouna llamadatelefonica no lo protegen. Su
respuesta por escritotiene que estar enformatolegal
correcto si dese aque procesen su casoenlacorte.Es
posibleque haya un formular io q ue usted puedausar
parasurespuesta.Puede encontrar estosformular ios
de la corteymas informacion en elCentro de Ayuda
de lasCortes de California(www.sucorte.ca.gov), en
la biblioteca de leyes de sucondadooen la corte
que le quede mascerca. Si no puedepagar la cuota
de presentacion,pida al secretario de lacorteque le
de unformulario deexencion de pago de cuotas.Si
no presenta surespuestaatiempo,puede perder el
caso por incumplimiento ylacorte le podraquita rsu
sueldo,dineroybienessin mas advertencia.

Thename and address of thecourtis: (Elnombrey
direcciondela cortees):
LosAngelesCounty Superior Court
9425 PenfieldAvenue
Chatsworth,CA 91311

Thename,address,andtelephone number of
plaintiff’s attorney,orplaintiffwithoutanat-
torney,is: (Elnombre,la direccionyelnumero
detelefono del abogado del demandante,odel
demandante que no tiene abogado,es):
LeeM.Mendelson, Esq (State Bar No.:236819)
MendelsonSchwarz, APLC
9425 PenfieldAve
Sherman Oaks,CA9 1411
(818) 575-

Date:(Fecha)Feb15, 2018

Sher ri R. Carter Clerk
Judi LaraDeputy

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“God will hear us, and he will
heal us.”
The church has met with
controversy in the past, in-
cluding for anti-gay rhetoric.
This year, a well on the
church’s property that was
used by congregants was
found to be contaminated
with chemicals from a
nearby military base. One of
the church’s officials was
convicted of pedophiliain
Beilenson confirmed
that church greeters shak-
ing hands with congregants
as they entered may have
helped spread the co-
ronavirus. In the online ser-
mon, the unidentified pastor
said that shortly after New
Year’s Day, the church had a
problem with the “greeting
“I know we are entering
this valley right now,” the
pastor said during the taped
sermon. “When this thing
will be over, and when we
[are] going to come here and
when we are going to shake
hands, I think it’s going to be
a totally different meaning.”
As the coronavirus has
spread across Sacramento
County, infecting more than
340 people and killing nine,
health officials said 1 in 3
confirmed cases are linked
to church gatherings.
“Sacramento County is
urging all residents, from
all faiths and all back-
grounds, to stay home,” the
county said in a statement
The disclosure of the
mass infection comes as
large gatherings across the
country have been identified
as incidents in which people
become infected with the
virus that causes COVID-19.
Such “super-spreading”
events can play a major role
in widening the outbreak.
It can take two to 14 days
after someone is infected
with the coronavirus for
symptoms to appear. Once
the illness is apparent and a
patient is hospitalized, it can
take 17 to 25 days to either re-
cover and be discharged, or
to die from the illness, ac-
cording to a studyof pa-
tients in Wuhan, China, the
origin of the pandemic.
The first coronavirus
case in Sacramento County
publicly associated with a
house of worship involved a
woman older than 70 with

underlying health condi-
tions who attended Faith
Presbyterian Church in Sac-
ramento. More cases have
since been associated with
the church, which is in a resi-
dential neighborhood near
schools and shopping.
But that church took a
different approach.
The Rev. Jeff Chapman of
Faith Presbyterian said
Thursday that the church
had begun protective mea-
sures in late February at the
request of a parishioner with
an underlying medical con-
dition. The woman asked
that the church stop all
physical contact during wor-

ship events, he said.
“I was hesitant,” Chap-
man said. “The tendency of a
religious leader ... is to
gather people. That is their
But he said the woman
persuaded him to stop such
things as passing the collec-
tion plate and shaking
Aweek later, the church
began to see members with
symptoms, Chapman said.
“I think again, in retro-
spect, it may have saved
some lives because our folks
would have been together ...
shaking hands and passing
plates, and we didn’t do any

of that,” he said.
After discovering the
pocket of potential co-
ronavirus patients among
the congregation, Chapman
said leaders immediately de-
cided to shut down the
church March 12 on the ad-
vice of a task force made up
of three members — an
emergency room doctor, a
former public health profes-
sional and a person who for-
merly worked at the federal
Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention.
One of the church mem-
bers who contracted the
virus, a substitute teacher
who worked at Sutterville

Elementary School, died
three days later, on March 15.
Her death was announced
by the Sacramento City Uni-
fied School District, which
closed campuses the day af-
ter the woman died.
Three days later, Sacra-
mento County issued a man-
datory stay-at-home order.
By the end of the day, Gov.
Gavin Newsom had issued a
similar directivefor the en-
tire state.
In all, Chapman said,
about six people at Faith
Presbyterian have tested
positive, with no new cases
in more than two weeks.
Chapman suspected he

might have had the virusbut
tested negative.
As the virus has spread
across the state, many
houses of worship have can-
celed services, prayer circles
and classes or moved them
All Saints’ Episcopal
Church in Beverly Hills be-
gan canceling services
March 8 after its rector, the
Rev. Janet Broderick, fell ill.
Broderick, the sister of actor
Matthew Broderick, had at-
tended a conference in Ken-
tucky along with more than
500 other Episcopalians
from around the country.
She later tested positive for
COVID-19 and suffered from
severe pneumonia.
On March 12, the Ikar
synagogue in Los Angeles
said it was suspending
Shabbat services. A day lat-
er, the Orange County Is-
lamic Foundation sus-
pended Friday prayers at
the mosque and said no one
would be allowed inside
apart from employees.
The Diocese of San Jose
ordered public Masses at
Catholic churches to be
suspendedstarting March
14; the Archdiocese of Los
Angeles announced the
same March 16, the same day
counties in the San Fran-
cisco Bay Area released a
shelter-in-place order.
While many churches are
shifting to digital worship,
some around the nation
have defied orders to close.
On Sunday, the Life Tab-
ernacle Church in a suburb
of Baton Rouge, La., contin-
ued to use its fleet of two doz-
en buses to bring hundreds
of congregants to services.
“We’re not going to be in-
timidated,” the Rev. Tony
Spell said.
And this week, sheriff ’s
deputies handcuffed a
Tampa, Fla., minister for
violating local stay-at-home
orders by gathering hun-
dreds to worship. Police said
the Rev. Rodney Howard-
Browne of the River at
Tampa Bayshowed “reck-
less disregard for human
life” by potentially exposing
his congregants to the

Chabria reported from
Sacramento, Greene from
Thousand Oaks and Lin
from Millbrae. Times staff
writer Sarah Parvini
contributed to this report.

Sacramento church is linked to virus

MEMBERS OFBethany Slavic Missionary Church take part in a Sept. 8 baptism ceremony in Sacramento.

Photographs by Max WhittakerFor The Times

OFFICIALSsay the Pentecostal church has more
than 71 members who tested positive for COVID-19.

CHURCH MEMBERS at the baptism last year. Au-
thorities say some may now be meeting in private.

[Church,from B1]

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