The Washigtnon Post - 03.04.2020

(Joyce) #1








305 Fitness
What better time to dance like
no one is watching? Sadie Kurz-
ban, founder and CEo of 305
fitness, is here to make social
distancing less boring: Every day
at noon and 6 p.m., she is leading
a live cardio dance party on
Yo uTube that’s a rigorous work-
out and terrific entertainment.
“We’re just trying to spread
positive vibes,” Kurzban says.
“We’re really excited to spread
our mission, which is to empow-
er people through dance.”
Live streams are similar to the
DJ-fueled party-workouts that
happen in 305 f itness’s s tudio on
florida Avenue NW. Each one
has a theme — think Way Back
Wednesday, Country Hoedown
and family Day — and lasts 45
minutes. Kurzban cranks jam-
worthy tunes as she gets down,
and her p arents and young neph-
ew have all made cameos. She
reports seeing l ots of young f ami-
lies joining the live streams, plus
people from Italy, China, Japan
and Costa rica.
“If you’re home alone, you’re
here with me,” s he roared during
a friday night workout, between
high kicks and serious shimmy-
ing. “I want a dance party. Turn
to that imaginary friend, and
dance it out!”
And there it is — permission t o
cut loose in Club Quarantine.
[email protected]

chill, prenatal yoga and “yogic
sleep” resting meditation with
stress relief, just as a sampling.
Yo u can sign up online; most
drop-in classes are $11.50, and
there are a variety of deals right
now, including a six for $60 class
pack that doesn’t expire. Classes
are streamed via Zoom, a video-
conferencing platform, and lim-
ited to about the same number of
people as would attend an i n-per-
son class. many teachers are
enlisting their roommates or
partners to demonstrate the
moves so that they can study
what their students are doing
and provide tailored feedback
from afar. (You can also switch
off your camera if you’d prefer to
practice in private.)
In addition to free community
meditations, Yoga District is of-
fering complimentary classes to
service industry workers, who
have been hit particularly hard
during the coronavirus crisis.
Chehrazi says the virtual classes
help restore a sense of communi-
ty during isolation: “You see all
these happy faces and working
bodies on the screen practicing
along with you, and it’s so inspir-
ing,” she says. “We’re getting
these messages from people like,
‘Wow, this was the highlight of
my week.’ People need this and
we need each other right now.”

vida Fitness

When Vida fitness paused in-
studio workouts at its six loca-
tions, staff pivoted quickly to
virtual offerings. Within two
days, the team had recorded 12
workout videos — including Pi-
lates, kickboxing and high-inten-
sity interval training — that are
now available free for anyone to
access online.
“We’re trying to focus on what
people can do at home,” personal
training director Lisa Ling says.
“What I like about the HIIT
interval one is there are move-
ments that aren’t super jumpy,
which is important for people
who live in apartment buildings
and can’t jump around.”
Vida members can freeze their
membership or take advantage
of a virtual variation, which in-
cludes perks beyond the workout
videos, such as online personal
training and nutrition counsel-
ing. Clients can opt for whatever
format they prefer to connect
with their coach; faceTime,
Skype and Zoom are popular
over the past week, Ling has
held sessions to help her team
wrap their heads around virtual
training. “for most of our train-
ers, it’s their first time doing
something like this,” she says.
“You can’t touch people at all, so
it’s way harder to fix something
that isn’t correct using just your

virtual gyms from 4

Courtesy of ViDA fitness
vida Fitness has workout videos— including Pilates, kickboxing and high-intensity interval training — available online at no cost.

On the Town





ly 7, 2020

Join EHLS staff for a Live Online information session
Register on our website

English for Heritage Language Speakers at Georgetown University • 202-687-4455

Native speakers of critical languages are in high demand in the US government. EHLS trains advanced
English speakers to be effective communicators and strong candidates for federal jobs.
Full scholarships for US citizens who are native speakers of Arabic, Azerbaijani, Balochi, Bambara, Dari,
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Ta mashek, Thai, Turkish, Urdu, Uzbek, or Vietnamese.

The EHLS Program is an initiative of NSEP.

Wednesday, April 22, 12-1 PM
What to Expect During
& After EHLS Online

Tuesday, April 7, 5-6 PM
General Information Session

Monday, April 13, 3-4 PM
Applying to EHLS: The Online
Application and Skills Testing
Free download pdf