Financial Times Europe - 26.03.2020

(Axel Boer) #1
Thursday 26 March 2020 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 17


British leaders are evoking the spirit shown in the second world war as they tackle coronavirus. But unlike

the last global conflict, the real challenge is managing an economy that has been demobilised overnight.


a conflict for which Britain was rela-
“For several years before 1939, every-
there was time to prepare,” he says.
“Civil servants had spent years working
out the lessons of the first war, so when
the second came along they had sheaves
The coronavirus crisis is of a different
stripe. It is not just that Britain had no
detailed contingencies to hand, having
largely brushed off warnings about the
risks posed by pandemics — unlike
some Asian countries that were
affected byepidemics such as Sars and
What is also striking is the sheer scale
of the sudden dislocation, which has
provoked antagonism between coun-
tries, impeded movement across bor-
ders and disrupted trade around the
world. In that sense, it bears more
resemblance to the first world war,
Just as in 1914, the biggest immediate
casualties have been the financial mar-
kets. In his first world war memoirs
David Lloyd George, later prime minis-
ter but chancellor at the start of the con-
flict, describes how London’s role as the
financier of global trade was shattered
in days. Cross-border business cratered,
leaving creditors unable to pay their
debts and banks loaded with potentially
The recent shock bears some resem-
blance to that period. Markets have
slumped because of uncertainty about
the duration and nature of the distur-
bance. Will it end quickly? Is it a ques-
tion of liquidity or is the solvency of
The ultimate response remains
uncertain. The world is transfixed
by memories of 2008, and the powerful
stimuli that were administered to
markets in the form of massive asset

purchases by central banks. A number
of central banks, including the Bank of
England, are repeating those measures.
But some think the authorities should
look more to 1914, where Britain
focused simply on keeping markets
functioning and not preordaining at
“In markets, the aim now for central
bankers should be to keep core markets
by simply buying everything,” says Paul
Tucker, chair of the Systemic Risk
Council and a former deputy governor
He argues that the aim should not be
ernment is anyway trying to tamp down
with its measures to suppress the virus.
It should, instead, be to avoid the econ-
ment to ensure that citizens can live
decently and businesses are not unnec-
the central bank’s job is to ensure the
government is funded. But you
shouldn’t start from there. You should
try to be a catalyst and not automat-
ically buy something that Larry Fink
[chief executive of investment group

Government gratitude
No one can know how long the corona-
virus crisis will last. But one lesson of
wartime politics is that governments
cannot simply demand endless sacri-
fice. At some point, politicians must
turn their minds towards the pay-off for
If the virus endures, Mr Todman sug-
gests that this might involve some sort
of generational compact to benefit the
young on whose shoulders much of this
inflated national indebtedness will fall.
bination of improved lifestyle, more
sustainable employment and the avoid-
seized the possibilities of the 1942 Bev-
eridge Report on social welfare, paving
“It would be nice to see some ambi-
tious post-pandemic settlement,” Mr
Todman says. “But I am not optimistic
about any of our leaders being able to

On a



Having initially doubted the severity
of the coronavirus outbreak, Donald
Trump has started to cast himself as a
wartime president.
He said at the weekend: “We’re at
war, in a true sense we’re at war, and
we are fighting an invisible enemy.”
And in words that appeared to echo
Abraham Lincoln telling Congress in
1862 that the US in the middle of civil
war was facing a “fiery trial”, Mr Trump
added: “We’re enduring a great
national trial and we will prove that we
can meet the moment.”
So far, Mr Trump has been reluctant

to use the legal powers available to the
White House to mobilise resources for
dealing with the pandemic. The
administration has given ambivalent
signals about whether it will invoke the
1950 Defence Production Act, a law
passed during the Korean war which can
be used to direct the private sector
towards specific tasks. Andrew Cuomo,
New York governor, has called on the
White House to accelerate production of
ventilators and other equipment.
Instead, Mr Trump is using the wartime
mood for political purposes. He has
alighted on an enemy: China. His

Trump uses
for political


n the dog days of July 1938, amid
German rumblings in Czecho-
slovakia’s Sudetenland, the British
government led by Neville Cham-
berlain acquired a collection of
fields and a sewage works beside Castle
For a purchase that attracted little
notice, it would have a large impact on
world events. Over the next year, and
with the expenditure of some £4m of
public money — a huge amount at the
time — this unprepossessing location
was transformed into a giant manufac-
turing plant under the aegis of the UK’s
The idea behind the plan was to spur
rearmament by expanding the coun-
try’s capacity to make military aircraft
beyond that which the private sector
was willing or able to finance. Whole
plants would be built in advance of
demand for their output. Castle
Bromwich was one of a number of such
Initially under the management of
Wolseley Motors, and later the aircraft
maker Vickers-Armstrongs, the pub-
licly funded plant expanded to employ
12,000 people, taking its first orders in
the summer of 1939. When production
finally ceased in July 1945, it had manu-
factured more than half the nation’s
hundreds of Lancaster bombers and
Last week, that same Castle Brom-
wich plant was back in the news. No
longer an aircraft manufacturing site
Rover, the carmaker announced that
the factory’s 1,900 workers, along with
others on its five UK sites, would be
downing tools until at least April 20.
JLR said it was “minimising the spread
“work towards an orderly return to pro-
In recent days, UK government min-
mobilisation, calling for a wholehearted
national effort to stem the advance of
coronavirus. Boris Johnson, prime min-
ister, has talked about running a “war-
time government” taking steps that are
“unprecedented since world war two”,
while Matt Hancock, health secretary,
has called for “one gigantic national
effort” on a par with the time “when our
cities were pounded during the
With its memories of communal sac-
rifice leading to ultimate triumph, the
second world war looms large in Brit-
ain’s national consciousness. But as the
fate of Castle Bromwich suggests, the
“mobilisation” required to beat corona-
virus may have a different shape and
“The prime economic challenge of
the second world war was how to mob-
ilise and direct resources,” says Duncan
Weldon, an economic historian. “Our
present ones are almost the opposite,
being about how to manage the reality
of national demobilisation in order to
In his 1940 book,How to Pay for
the War, the economist John Maynard
Keynes wrote of the imperative that
“Britain’s war output [should be] as
large as we know how to organise”, leav-
ing only a “definite residual available
for civilian consumption”. It meant the
state commandeering the lion’s share
of resources for war production, and
taking measures such as higher taxes to
reduce consumer demand. These steps
were needed because of steeply rising
household incomes — the product of
wartime full employment. This, it was
feared, might tempt producers to divert
“We cannot allow a matter of mere
money in the pocket of the public
to have significant influence on the
amount we are allowed to consume,”
With the government now directing
most retail businesses to shut, and
many companies slowing production
voluntarily either because of ebbing
demand for their products or a desire to
constraints (short of illness) to stop
ministers corralling the resources they
need to combat the virus. Outside of
a few areas, such as food, consumer
“You needed central direction in the
war to stop carmakers producing cars
and get them to make Spitfires,” says Mr
Weldon. “But now if the government
wants companies like JCB or Dyson to
turn over production to medical sup-
plies, that ought to be possible using
ordinary contracts. After all, JCB isn’t
likely to be selling that many diggers

Economic hibernation
The bigger challenge for the British
government — and for all other coun-
tries reeling from the pandemic — is to
make sure its demobilisation strategy
is effective. Without that, its hopes of

on but the consequences for the public
finances may end up looking quite
familiar to someone who financed the

Acts of compulsion?
Another area where there are echoes of
past conflicts is in the balance between
voluntary and compulsory measures.
Mr Johnson’s government has faced
criticism for its initial reluctance to
non-essential companies or schools to
It has not stepped in to control the
distribution of food and essential items
or their prices despite evidence of panic
buying. Supermarkets have been left to
improvise their own responses, in spite
of competition rules that inhibit co-op-
eration between them. These were sof-
tened last week to permit them to share
data and distribution depots. Social dis-
tancing measures have been lightly
enforced, although rules announced on
Monday may mark a change, with
Mr Johnson has made much of his
attachment to British liberties, urging
According to Daniel Todman, author
ofBritain’s War, a social history of the
second world war, this is reminiscent of
lain government debated whether to
“The argument was over how fast
to introduce it and whether to move
quickly to a compulsory system,” he
says. “Lots of Tories were worried, not
admittedly Chamberlain, who favoured
a big state in wartime, but Churchill was
very anti. He felt it would be seen as a

sign of weakness and a threat to tradi-
If the second world war is a guide,
compulsion will ramp up quickly if
the present lockdown endures. Indeed,
according to Mark Harrison, emeritus
professor of economics at Warwick uni-
versity, this might enjoy widespread
public support. “Societies that are
rules and penalties,” he argues, likening
The second world war saw a prolifer-
ation of such regulations, with particu-
larly fierce punishments reserved for
infractions such as looting or blackout
breaches. More than 1m citizens were
prosecuted for infringements, many
of them seemingly petty, according to
Mr Harrison. They included one unfor-
attacks on British cities after handing
round a bottle of brandy he had
retrieved from the ruins of a pub
through which he was hunting amid
Yet despite their ferocity, these rules
were not resented by the public. Keynes
likened them to “rules of the road”,
which got around the collective action
problem of everyone abiding by irk-
some regulations that were all to no
avail if others did not comply. He dis-
missed the threat to liberty, describing
their prescription as the “perfect” veh-
icle for “social action, where everyone
can be protected by making a certain

Sudden dislocation
Most comparisons with the present
crisis focus on the second world war.
But, as Mr Weldon points out, this was

campaign released an email attacking
Beijing, as well as his likely opponent,
Joe Biden, for siding with them.
Early signs suggest Mr Trump is
enjoying a bump in popularity.
Mohamed Younis, editor in chief of
polls at Gallup, says: “The ‘rally round
the flag’ effect tends to be most
dramatic when the nation is under
attack, as happened after 9/11 [when
President George W Bush’s approval
rating soared to 85 per cent in late
2001]. But it is going to be interesting
to see how that breaks out politically
the longer this goes on.”Kiran Stacey

containing the virus will be in vain.
Rishi Sunak, chancellor, has announced
measures designed to underwrite the
costs of keeping much of the workforce
To encourage this form of economic
hibernation, the government has
undertaken to pay up to 80 per cent of
affected workers’ wages for an open-
ended period. It is a measure that could
have transformative consequences for
the public finances. Estimates suggest it
could cost the government roughly
£3.5bn for every million workers for
three months’ operation. Beyond the
scheme, additional support for people
on welfare benefits is estimated to cost
£7bn. Unlike wartime, this will happen
All told, these and other measures
could place burdens on Britain’s
finances that might approach the
1939-45 period, when budget deficits
exceeded 20 per cent of Britain’s gross
domestic product between 1941 and
1945, peaking at 26.7 per cent in 1942.
“It depends how long the virus goes

A woman works
on a Lancaster
bomber in 1943.
Politicians had
to ensure the UK
had the capacity
to make military
aircraft. Below:
JM Keynes, seen
here signing a
postwar loan
agreement with
the US, advised
on thenew‘rules
of the road’.
Right, modern-
day British
citizens must get
used to similar
Keystone Features/Getty

‘If the
like JCB or
Dyson to
turn over
to medical
that ought to
be possible’

Defending the
nation: George
W Bush’s ratings
soared after the
2001 terror

MARCH 26 2020 Section:Features Time: 25/3/2020 - 18: 45 User: dana.prince Page Name: BIGPAGE, Part,Page,Edition: EUR, 17 , 1

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