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Special abbreviations
Dtrbp3tog [(Yo) twice and draw up a
loop around post of next stitch at back
of work, inserting hook from right to
left. (Yo, draw through 2 loops on hook)
twice] 3 times. Yo, draw through all
loops on hook
Dtrbp6tog [(Yo) twice and draw up a
loop around post of next stitch at back
of work, inserting hook from right to
left. (Yo, draw through 2 loops on hook)
twice] 6 times. Yo, draw through all
loops on hook
Aran 4mm
★ Easy
Yarn used
Lily Sugar’n Cream
1 ball each in Soft Ecru 01004 (MC), Rose
Pink 0046 (CC1), Tea Rose 00042 (CC2),
teal 01133 (CC3), Seabreeze 01201 (CC4),
Robin’s Egg 01215 (CC5) &
black 00002 (CC6)
15 sts x 16 rows = 10cm measured over dc
Hook used
Other supplies
20.5cm piece of cardboard for tassels
30.5cm long dowel
tapestry needle
Approximately 25.5cm square,
excluding tassels
Wall hanging is worked from the top down.
Start crocheting
With MC, ch 53.
Row 1 (RS): 3 dtr in 5th ch from hook
(skipped ch 4 counts as dtr), ch 1, skip
next 5 ch, 1 dc in next ch, ch 1, skip next
5 ch, *(3 dtr, ch 3, 3 dtr) in next ch, ch 1,
skip next 5 ch, 1 dc in next ch, ch 1, skip
next 5 ch. Rep from * to last ch, 4 dtr in
last ch. Turn.
Row 2: Ch 1. 1 dc in first dtr, *ch 5,
dtrbp6tog around next 6 dtr (skipping
centre ch 1, dc and ch 1), ch 5, 1 dc in
next ch 3 sp. Rep from * ending last rep
with 1 dc in top of ch 4. Turn.
Row 3: Ch 1. 1 dc in first dc, *ch 1, (3 dtr, ch
3, 3 dtr) in top of next dtrbp6tog, ch 1, 1 dc
in next dc. Rep from * to end of row. Turn.
Row 4: Ch 4 (counts as dtr). Dtrbp3tog
around next 3 dtr, ch 5, *1 dc in next ch
3 sp, ch 5, dtrbp6tog around next 6 dtr
(skipping centre ch 1, dc and ch 1), ch 5,
rep from * to last ch 3 sp, 1 dc in last ch 3
sp, ch 5, dtr3tog in BLO around last 3 dtr,
1 dtr in last dc. Turn.
Row 5: Ch 4 (counts as dtr). 3 dtr in first
dtr, ch 1, 1 dc in next dc, ch 1, *(3 dtr, ch
3, 3 dtr) in next dtrbp6tog, ch 1, 1 dc in
next dc, Ch 1. Rep from * to last dtr, 4 dtr
in last dtr. Turn.
Row 6: As Row 2.
Row 7: As Row 3.
Row 8: Sl st in each st to first ch 3 sp, ch
1, 1 dc in same ch 3 sp, *ch 5, dtrbp6tog
around next 6 dtr (skipping centre ch 1,
dc and ch 1), ch 5, 1 dc in next ch 3 sp.
Rep from * to end of row (leaving last 3
dtr, ch 1 and dc unworked). Turn.
Row 9: As Row 3.
Rows 10-13: Rep Rows 8 and 9 twice
more. Fasten off.
Turn work upside down with RS facing.
Join MC with sl st to top right corner of wall
hanging at foundation ch.
Rnd 1: Ch 1. Work dc evenly around all
sides of wall hanging having 2 dc at
points where sides begin to decrease and
3 dc in each corner and at bottom point.
Join with sl st to first dc.
Fasten off.
Make 1 each in CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4
& CC5
Wind yarn around 20.5cm-wide piece of
cardboard 20 times. Tie length of yarn
loosely through loops at one end to
temporarily secure. Cut across opposite
end. Tie length of yarn tightly around tassel
5cm down from tied end to create tassel
Loop. Using tapestry needle and 2 strands
of CC6, carefully wrap yarn tightly around
tassel loop covering all contrast colour
below and removing temporary tie.
Fasten securely.
Sew wall hanging to dowel with whip st.
Sew Tassels to bottom of wall hanging.
Crochet this striking piece of wall art
without needing to learn macramé!
CN52 SUPP.P11.indd 11CN52 SUPP.P11.indd 11 11/02/2020 14:1411/02/2020 14:14