18 | http://www.crochetnow.co.uk
Rnd 9: 1 ch, 1 dc2tog, 9 dc, 1
dc in D, 2 dc in M, 1 dc2tog,
join. 14 sts
Rnd 10: 1 ch, 1 dc2tog, 8
dc, 1 dc in D, 1 dc in M, 1
dc2tog, join. 12 sts
Rnd 11: 1 ch, 1 dc2tog, 7 dc,
1 dc in D, 1 dc2tog in M,
join. 10 sts
Fasten off M, cont with
D only.
Rnd 12: 1 ch, 5 dc2tog, join.
5 sts
Fasten off.
Left wing
Rnds 1-4: As for right wing.
Rnd 5: 1 ch, 5 dc, join D, 1 dc
in D, 12 dc in M, join.
Rnds 6-7: 1 ch, 5 dc, 1 dc in D,
12 dc in M, join.
Rnd 8: 1 ch, 1 dc2tog, 3 dc,
1 dc in D, 10 dc in M, 1
dc2tog, join. 16 sts
Rnd 9: 1 ch, 1 dc2tog, 2 dc, 1
dc in D, 9 dc in M, 1 dc2tog,
join. 14 sts
Rnd 10: 1 ch, 1 dc2tog, 1 dc, 1
dc in D, 8 dc in M, 1 dc2tog,
join. 12 sts
Rnd 11: 1 ch, 1 dc2tog, 1 dc in
D, 7 dc in M, 1 dc2tog, join.
10 sts
Fasten off M, cont with D only.
Rnd 12: 1 ch, 5 dc2tog, join.
5 sts
Fasten off.
As for jay beak.
Making up
Weave yarn tails through
last sts to close body
and wings. Flatten wings
and sew to body. Sew
beak and eye beads to
face. Attach feet.
This is the largest of
the three woodpeckers
that breed in Britain,
weighing in at around
200g. And, as you may
have guessed, its back
is almost totally green!
It sports a striking red
hood, and the males
have a red stripe in their
black ‘moustache.’ This
woodpecker pecks holes
in dead wood to breed,
but feeds on ants off the
ground. It can be a bit
elusive, so listen out for
its loud, laughing call.
CN53 RSPB.P16-18.indd 18CN53 RSPB.P16-18.indd 18 11/02/2020 14:1711/02/2020 14:17