Crochet Now - UK (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1

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in top of beg 3 ch. Turn.
Rep rows 2-7 for patt.

Edging st patt
Worked with RS facing throughout, do
not turn.
Rnd 1: 1 ch (does not count as a st
here and throughout), 3 dc, miss
1ch-sp; rep from
around, join with sl st
to beg dc.
Rnds 2-3: Dc around, join.

Rnd 4: 3 ch, 2 tr in first st (counts as first
shell), 1 ch, miss 2 sts, *shell in next st,
1 ch miss 2 sts; rep from * around, join
with sl st in top of beg 3 ch.
Rnd 5: As Rnd 1.
Rnd 6: 3 ch (does not count as a st), *1
tr3tog, 2 ch; rep from * around, join with
sl st to beg tr3tog.
Rnd 7: 1 ch, *1 dc, 2 dc in next 2ch-sp; rep
from * around, join. Fasten off.

Start crocheting

Pockets (make 2)
Row 1: 19 ftr. Turn. 19 sts
Rows 2-10: Work Rows 1-7 of narrow
GDSP, then work rows 2-3 of narrow
GDSP once more.
Row 11: 1 ch, dc in each tr and 1ch-sp
across. Turn. 21 sts
Rows 12-15: 1 ch, dc to end. Turn.
Fasten off.

Back Panel
Worked from bottom to top.
Row 1: 79 (91, 103, 115) ftr. Turn. 79 (91,
103, 115) sts
Row 2: Work Row 1 of narrow GDSP. 6.5
(7.5, 8.5, 9.5) patt reps
Rows 3-51 (51, 51, 57): Work rows 2-7
of narrow GDSP 8 (8, 8, 9) times, then
rep Row 2 of narrow GDSP once more.
Fasten off.

Left Front Panel
Row 1: 31 (-, 43, -) ftr. Turn. 31 (-, 43, -) sts
Row 2: Work Row 1 of narrow GDSP. 2.5
(-, 3.5, -) patt reps
Rows 3-41: Work rows 2-7 of narrow
GDSP 6 (-, 6, -) times, then rep rows 2-4
of narrow GDSP once more.

Neckline shaping
Row 1: 3 ch, miss 3 tr, *shell in next
1ch-sp, 1 ch; rep from * across, 2 tr in
top of beg 3 ch.
Row 2: 3 ch, miss 1 st, *shell in next 1ch-
sp, 1 ch; rep from * across, 1 tr in top of
beg 3 ch.
Rows 3-6: Rep rows 1-2 twice more.
Rows 7-10: Work narrow GDSP rows 4 &
5 twice. Fasten off.

Row 1: -, (35, -, 47) ftr. Turn. - (35, - 47) sts
Row 2: Work Row 1 of wide GDSP. Turn. -
(3, -, 4) patt reps
Rows 3 to - (41, -, 47): Work rows
2-7 of wide GDSP - (6, -, 7) times,
then work rows 2-4 of wide GDSP
once more.

Neckline shaping
Row 1: 3 ch, miss 3 tr, *shell in next
1ch-sp, 1 ch; rep from * to last 1ch-sp,
shell in last 1ch-sp, 1 tr in top of beg
3 ch.
Row 2: 3 ch, 1 tr in first st, 1 ch, miss 3
sts, *shell in next 1ch-sp, 1 ch; rep from
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