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Designer sketchbook
Row 2: As Row 1. 60 sts
Row 3: Beg border stitch, 1 dc, 1 tr; rep
from to centre 2ch-sp, working last tr
in fi rst ch of the middle 2 rows down, [1
dc in BLO of next ch, 2 ch, 1 dc in BLO of
next ch] in 2ch-sp, 1 tr, 1 dc; rep from
to last st, end border stitch. 64 sts
Row 4: As Row 3. 68 sts
Row 5: Beg border stitch, 1 dc, 1 tr, 1 dc,
1 RtrF; rep from to centre 2ch-sp, 1 dc,
1 tr in the fi rst ch of the middle 2 rows
down, [1 dc in BLO of next ch, 2 ch, 1 dc
in BLO of next ch] in 2ch-sp, 1 tr in the
second chain of the middle 2 rows down,
1 dc, 1 RtrF, 1 dc; rep from to last 3
sts, 1 tr, 1 dc, end border st. 72 sts
Fasten off B and C.
Moss Stitch 2
Worked with A throughout.
Row 1: Beg border stitch, dc in BLO to
2ch-sp in centre of shawl, [1 dc in BLO of
next ch, 2 ch, 1 dc in BLO of next ch] in
2ch-sp, dc in BLO to last st, end border
stitch. 76 sts
Row 2: Beg border stitch, 1 dc, 1 ch, miss
1]; rep from to centre 2ch-sp, [1 dc in
FLO of next ch, 2 ch, 1 dc in next ch] in
2ch-sp, *1 ch, miss 1, 1 dc; rep from
to last st, end border stitch, 1 ch. Turn.
80 sts
Row 3: Beg border stitch, 1 dc, 1 ch, miss
1, *1 dc in ch-sp, 1 ch, miss 1; rep from
- to centre 2ch-sp, [1 dc, 2 ch, 1 dc] in
2ch-sp, 1 ch, miss 1, 1 dc in ch-sp; rep
from to last st, end border stitch, 1 ch.
Turn. 84 sts
Fasten off A.
Mosaic Pattern 2
Rep rows 1-5 of Mosaic Pattern 1, working
with D on odd rows and B on even. 104 sts
Moss Stitch 3
Rep Row 3 of Moss Stitch 2 fi ve times. 124 sts
Mosaic Pattern 3
Rep rows 1-5 of Mosaic Pattern 1, working
with C on odd rows and A on even. 144 sts
Moss Stitch 4
Rep Row 3 of Moss Stitch 2 seven times.
172 sts
Mosaic Pattern 4
Start with C and work all odd rows with C
and all even rows with B changing colour
every row.
Row 1: Beg border stitch,
dc in BLO to 2ch-sp in
centre of shawl, [1 dc in
BLO of next ch, 2 ch, 1 dc
in BLO of next ch] in 2ch-
sp, dc in BLO to last st, end
border stitch.
Row 2: As Row 1.
Row 3: Beg border stitch,
*1 dc, 1 tr; rep from * to
centre 2ch-sp, working last
tr in fi rst ch of the middle 2
rows down, [1 dc in BLO of
next ch, 2 ch, 1 dc in BLO
of next ch] in 2ch-sp, **1 tr,
1 dc; rep from ** to last st,
end border stitch. 184 sts
Row 4: Beg border stitch,
*1 dc, 1 tr; rep from * to centre 2ch-sp,
working last tr in fi rst ch of the middle 2
rows down, [1 dc in BLO of next ch, 2 ch,
1 dc in BLO of next ch] in 2ch-sp, **1 tr,
1 dc; rep from ** to last st, end border
stitch. 188 sts
Row 5: Beg border stitch, 1 dc, 1 tr, *1 dc,
1 RtrF; rep from * to centre 2ch-sp, 1 dc,
1 tr in the fi rst ch of the middle 2 rows
down, [1 dc in BLO of next ch, 2 ch, 1 dc
in BLO of next ch] in 2ch-sp, 1 tr in the
second chain of the middle 2 rows down,
1 dc, **1 RtrF, 1 dc; rep from ** to last 3
sts, 1 tr, 1 dc, end border st. 192 sts
Row 6: As Row 1. 196 sts
Switch C to A.
Row 7: Rep Row 5. 200 sts
Row 8: Rep Row 4. 204 sts
Row 9: Rep Row 5. 208 sts
Moss Stitch 5
Rep Row 3 of Moss Stitch 2 three times.
220 sts
Mosaic Pattern 5
Rep rows 1-5 of Mosaic Pattern 1, working
with C on odd rows and D on even. 240 sts
Moss Stitch 6
Rep Row 3 of Moss Stitch 2 fi ve times. 260 sts
Mosaic Pattern 6
Start with D and work all odd rows with D
and all even rows with B changing colour
every row.
Row 1: Beg border stitch, dc in BLO to
2ch-sp in centre of shawl, [1 dc in BLO of
next ch, 2 ch, 1 dc in BLO of next ch] in
2ch-sp, dc in BLO to last st, end border
stitch. 264 sts
Row 2: As Row 1. 268 sts
Row 3: Beg border stitch, *1 dc, 1 tr;
rep from * to centre 2ch-sp, working
last tr in fi rst ch of the middle 2 rows
down, [1 dc in BLO of next ch, 2 ch, 1 dc
in BLO of next ch] in 2ch-sp, **1 tr, 1 dc;
rep from ** to last st, end border stitch.
272 sts
Row 4: As Row 3. 276 sts
Rows 5-7: Beg border stitch, 1 dc, 1 tr, *1
dc, 1 RtrF; rep from * to centre 2ch-sp, 1
dc, 1 tr in the fi rst ch of the middle 2 rows
down, [1 dc in BLO of next ch, 2 ch, 1 dc
in BLO of next ch] in 2ch-sp, 1 tr in the
second chain of the middle 2 rows down,
1 dc, **1 RtrF, 1 dc; rep from ** to last 3
sts, 1 tr, 1 dc, end border st. 288 sts
Moss Stitch 7
Rep Row 3 of Moss Stitch 2 seven times.
Fasten off. 316 sts
Moss Stitch 8
With C, rep Row 3 of Moss Stitch 2 three
times. Fasten off. 328 sts
Moss Stitch 8
Join B at beg of row with RS facing, rep Row
3 of Moss Stitch 2 three times. Fasten off.
340 sts
Moss Stitch 9
Join A at beg of row with RS facing, rep Row
3 of Moss Stitch 2 three times. Fasten off.
352 sts
Weave in ends. Block shawl to fi nished
measurements. With C, add tassels to
bottom of shawl.