Crochet Now - UK (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1 | 85


DK 3.5mm

★★ Intermediate

Yarn used
Paintbox Simply DK
2 balls in Champagne White (B)
1 ball each in Daffodil Yellow (A), Slate Green
(CC1), Vintage Pink (CC2), Racing Green
(CC3), Pansy Purple (CC4)
& Kingfisher Blue (CC5)
Available from

About the yarn
DK; 276m per 100g; 100% acrylic

Each flower square measures 8cm

Hooks used

Other supplies
45cm-square cushion
4 x buttons, 3cm
tapestry needle

Finished cushion cover
fits 45cm-square cushion

Start crocheting

Cushion Front
Flower Squares (make 25)
Make 5 in each in CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4 and
CC5 as contrast colour (CC).

With A, chain 4 and join with sl st to form
a ring.
Rnd 1 (RS): 1 ch (does not count as st
throughout), 12 dc into ring, sl st into
first dc.
Fasten off A and join in CC.
Rnd 2: 2 ch, [1 tr, 1 dtr, 2 ch, 1 dtr, 1 tr, 2
ch, 1 sl st] in st at base of 2 ch at beg of
rnd, 1 dc in next st, sl st into next st, 2
ch, [1 tr, 1 dtr, 2 ch, 1 dtr, 1 tr, 2 ch, 1 sl st]
in next st; rep from
twice more, 1 dc in
next st, sl st into next st.
Fasten off CC and join B with sl st to 2ch-sp
at top of next petal.
Rnd 3: 1 ch, [1 dc, 3 ch, 1 dc] in same 2ch-
sp, * 2ch, [1 dc, 3 ch, 1 dc] in dc between
petals**, 2 ch, [1 dc, 3 ch, 1 dc] in 2ch-sp

at top of next petal; rep from * 3 more
times, ending last rep at **, 2 ch, sl st into
first st.
Rnd 4: Sl st into next corner 3ch-sp, 3 ch
(counts as 1 tr), [1 tr, 2 ch, 2 tr] in same
3ch-sp, *miss 1, 2 tr in next 2ch-sp, 1 tr,
1 tr in next ch-sp, 1 tr, 2 tr in next 2ch-sp,
miss 1**, [2 tr, 2 ch, 2 tr] in next corner
3ch-sp; rep from * 3 more ending last rep
at **, sl st into top of 3 ch at beg of rnd.
Rnd 5: Sl st into next corner 2ch-sp, 1 ch,
*[1 dc, 2 ch, 1 dc] in corner 2ch-sp, 11 dc;
rep from * 3 more times, sl st to first st.
Fasten off.

Using photograph as a guide, arrange flower
squares in 5 rows of 5. Sew the squares
together on the WS and working through the
BLO only of all dc sts and corner ch sts.

Cushion Back
With B, chain 4 and join with a sl st to form
a ring.
Rnd 1 (RS): Working into ring, 3 ch (counts
as 1 tr throughout), 2 tr, [2 ch, 3 tr] 3 times,
2 ch, sl st to top of 3 ch at beg of rnd and
into each of next 2 tr.
Rnd 2: Sl st into next 2ch-sp, 3 ch, [2 tr, 2 ch,
3 tr] in same 2ch-sp, *1 ch, miss 3, [3 tr, 2
ch, 3 tr] in next 2ch-sp; rep from * twice
more, 1 ch, miss 3, sl st to top of 3 ch at
beg of rnd and into each of next 2 tr.
Rnd 3: Sl st into next 2ch-sp, 3 ch, [2 tr, 2 ch,
3 tr] in same 2ch-sp, *1 ch, miss 3, 3 tr in
next ch-sp, 1 ch, miss 3**, [3 tr, 2 ch, 3 tr]

in next 2ch-sp; rep from * 3 more times
ending last rep at **, sl st to top of 3 ch at
beg of rnd and into each of next 2 tr.
Rnds 4-21: Work as given for Rnd 3,
working 1 more set of 3 tr along each
side between corner 2-ch sps. 63 tr along
sides between corners
Rnd 22: Sl st into next 2ch-sp, 1 ch, [1 dc,
2 ch, 1 dc] in same 2ch-sp, *[3 dc, miss
next ch-sp] 20 times, 3 dc**, [1 dc, 2 ch,
1 dc] in next 2ch-sp; rep from * 3 more
times ending last rep at **, sl st to first st.
Fasten off.

Making up
With WS together, work a round of dc
evenly in B around the edge of the
cushion working through both layers to
join. There are more sts along each side
of the front than on the back, so work
through all sts of the Back and miss sts
on the Front evenly along each side.
Fasten off.

With RS facing, join B to the right corner of
the open edge of the Front and work into
all 75 sts across the Front as follows: 1 ch, 8
dc, 3 ch, miss 3, 16 dc, 3 ch, miss 3, 15 dc, 3
ch, miss 3, 16 dc, 3 ch, miss 3, 8 dc.
4 button loops made
Continue working on sts across top of
Back as follows: dc to end, sl st in first dc
on Front. Sew buttons securely to Back to
correspond with button loops on Front.
Insert cushion.

If you don’t want a plain back, make two

cushion fronts instead

Free download pdf