Crochet Now - UK (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1 | 95

Get your head around these abbreviations that

you’ll find regularly in Crochet Now patterns

alt alternate

beg beginning

BLO work in back loops only

CC contrasting colour

ch chain

ch-sp chain space

cont continue

dc double crochet

dc2tog work two double crochet stitches together

dec decrease

dtr double treble crochet

fdc foundation double crochet

FLO work in front loops only

foll following

htr half treble crochet

htr2tog work two half treble crochet
stitches together

inc increase

LH left hand

MC main colour

patt pattern

pm place marker

prev previous

pul pull up a loop

rem remaining

rep repeat

RH right hand

rm remove marker

rnd round

RS right side

RtrF raised treble front: Yrh, insert around
post of indicated st from front to back
around to front again, yrh, pul, [yrh, draw
through two loops] twice

RtrB raised treble back: Yrh, insert around
post of indicated st from back to front
around to back again, yrh, pul, [yrh, draw
through two loops] twice

sl st slip stitch


sp space
st(s) stitch(es)
tbl through the back loop
tr treble crochet
ttr triple treble
tr2tog work two treble crochet
stitches together
WS wrong side
yrh yarn round hook

Single crochet sc
Half double hdc
Double dc
Treble tr
Double treble dtr

Double crochet dc
Half treble htr
Treble tr
Double treble dtr
Triple treble ttr

US to UK crochet terms
If you come across a ‘sc’ instruction, it’s
likely to be written in US crochet terms.
Crochet Now is written entirely in UK
terms, but here’s a guide on how to
translate them.

Crochet hook conversions
UK In mm US
14 2mm -
13 2.25mm B/1
12 2.5mm -

  • 2.75mm C/2
    11 3mm -
    10 3.25mm D/3
    9 3.5mm E/4

  • 3.75mm F/5
    8 4mm G/6
    7 4.5mm 7
    6 5mm H/8
    5 5.5mm I/9
    4 6mm J/10
    3 6.5mm K/10.5
    2 7mm -
    0 8mm L/11
    00 9mm M/13
    000 10mm N/15


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