The Economist 04Apr2020

(avery) #1
The EconomistApril 4th 2020 Asia 45


espite coups, floods and mass pro-
tests, visitors have flocked to Thailand
in recent decades. Almost 40m of them ar-
rived last year to blister on its beaches and
dance in its discos. But as the globe shuts
down because of covid-19 and holidaymak-
ers stay at home, the land of smiles feels
glum. Travel and tourism, broadly defined,
were worth more than 3.5trn baht ($109bn)
in 2018, according to the World Travel and
Tourism Council, equivalent to about 20%
of the country’s gdp. The Kasikorn Re-
search Centre, a Thai outfit which conducts
economic analysis, estimates that if the co-
vid-19 pandemic lasts into September,
Thailand’s losses will amount to 400bn
baht ($12.1bn).
The country has scrambled to respond
to the coronavirus, which has infected at
least 1,771 people. But the policies adopted
were initially confused. At first foreign vis-
itors were required to present embassy ap-
provals and certificates declaring them-
selves free of covid-19 before boarding
planes to Thailand. Now a state of emer-
gency has been declared and the country’s
borders are closed to foreign visitors. Bang-
kok is under a “soft lockdown”, with enter-
tainment venues and malls shut. The
governor of Phuket, normally a tourist hub,
declared there is now a curfew in place for
visitors between 8pm and 3am.
The economic response to covid-19 has
been more robust. On March 10th the
government unveiled a stimulus package
worth $12.7bn, about 2.5% of gdp, which
includes tax deductions for businesses and
a 20bn baht fund for workers affected by
the pandemic. On March 24th the govern-
ment promised another 45bn baht in cash
handouts. The Bank of Thailand, the coun-
try’s central bank, cut its key interest rate
by 25 basis points to 0.75% after a special
meeting on March 20th. It is also leading
efforts to shore up systemic liquidity by of-
fering special credit facilities and support
for bond markets, among other measures.
More is likely to be needed.
The Thai economy seemed sickly even
before the new coronavirus emerged. It
grew by just 2.4% last year, the slowest pace
since 2014. This year it seems sure to
shrink. Growth has been disappointing for
more than a decade. From 2009 to 2019,
Thailand’s growth rate (3.6% on average)
lagged behind poorer neighbours like Viet-
nam (6.5%) and the Philippines (6.3%), and
even richer ones such as Malaysia (5.3%). A

small number of huge firms, family-owned
businesses and state-owned enterprises
dominate the economy. They face little
pressure from competitors to innovate.
The poverty rate has stagnated for the
past few years, having fallen dramatically
in the decades before (see chart). About a
tenth of the population lives on less than
$2.85 a day. Average household consump-
tion declined in 2017-18, while household
debt stands at about 80% of gdp, one of the
highest ratios in Asia. About a third of the
labour force still works in agriculture,
which is plagued by inefficiency. Thai-
land’s most severe drought in decades has
cut production of sugar, rice and rubber.
Thailand’s demography is not too ap-
pealing to investors either. The country is
ageing: its fertility rate is lower than Eu-
rope’s. Over a quarter of Thais will be older
than 65 by the middle of the century. It took
France 160 years for the share of its popula-
tion aged 65 or above to rise from 7% to 21%;
the un estimates Thailand will do the same
in just 35 years. The elderly lack retirement
savings—national surveys suggest that
eight in ten of them rely on income from
their children.
Thailand’s low labour costs once per-
suaded carmakers, steel producers and
others that it was a good place to build fac-
tories. But competitiveness had been slip-
ping. Against the dollar the Thai baht was
one of the best-performing currencies in
Asia last year. The coronavirus has reversed
those gains, but Thai workers’ wages still
seem expensive when compared with
those in places like Vietnam. In December
Mazda, a Japanese carmaker, shifted pro-
duction of its suvs to Japan. In February
General Motors, an American giant, pulled
out of Thailand altogether.
This combination of economic ills
would test the wisest lawmakers. Thai-
land’s elites are distracted by internal
strife. There have been two coups since

  1. Almost five years of military rule
    damaged Thailand’s international stand-
    ing and prevented it from negotiating free-
    trade agreements with Western countries,
    argues one Bangkok economist. The
    government prefers flashy but ineffective
    schemes like “Thailand 4.0” which in-
    cludes the Eastern Economic Corridor
    (eec), a special economic zone.
    There are some small spots of good
    news as Thailand tackles covid-19. Its uni-
    versal health-care system means citizens
    will have greater access to help when ill
    than many others in developing countries.
    And the government’s existing welfare
    scheme means it is ready to funnel money
    to people through the crisis. Building new
    infrastructure, such as a new railway and
    airport planned near Bangkok, would bol-
    ster its competitiveness in the long term.
    But the grim truth is that Thailand’s mala-
    dies will outlast the pandemic. 7

Covid-19 only compounds the country’s
long-standing economic woes

Thailand’s economy


The hangover, two parts

Sources: National sources; World Bank

1988 2000 10 18

Household-poverty rate, %

1988 2000 10 19

GDP, % change on a year earlier


he commanderdid not mince words.
Furloughing half of the 9,000 South Ko-
reans who work for the American military
forces in the country for an indefinite per-
iod was “unthinkable” and “heartbreak-
ing”, General Robert B. Abrams said in a
televised address on April 1st. Yet he had to
do it. As of this month thousands of local
civilians working at American bases across
the country will stay at home, unpaid, for
the first time in the history of the alliance.
However heartbreaking it may have
been for General Abrams, the decision was
evidently no longer unthinkable enough
for his superiors to avoid it. The local staff
looking after the 28,500 American troops
stationed in South Korea provide a range of
services including security, catering and
electrical installations. Their wages are
covered by an agreement that divvies up
the cost of hosting the troops between the
two allies. The latest version of the agree-
ment expired at the end of 2019. Three
months later, emergency funds to cover
wages are running low. The workers now
on unpaid leave will remain there until the
two countries agree on a new deal.
That is precisely what negotiators have
failed to do so far, despite months of talks.
The reason is Donald Trump. Previous
presidents saw America’s alliance with
South Korea as an essential part of a broad-
er strategy—keeping the peace in Asia for
the benefit of the whole world, including

America’s army puts its South Korean
workers on unpaid leave

South Korea and America

Stay-at-home allies

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