The Economist 04Apr2020

(avery) #1
The EconomistApril 4th 2020 Finance & economics 65



Buttonwood Advantage Norway


here is apoint in a conversation
with Yngve Slyngstad when he in-
vokes Bjorn Borg, the Nordic tennis star
of the 1970s. The Borg approach—make
sure you don’t lose; above all, be solid—is
one Mr Slyngstad has instilled in Norges
Bank Investment Management (nbim),
the organisation he has run since 2008
from within Norway’s central bank. Its
target, to beat a benchmark by 0.25 per-
centage points a year, is modest. But
meeting it has led to immodest wealth.
Mr Slyngstad is to step down later this
year when Nicolai Tangen, a London-
based hedge-fund manager, takes his
place in Oslo. The departing boss re-
signed in October, 50 years to the day
after Norway first struck oil. The same
day Norway’s oil fund passed Nkr10trn
($900bn) in value. It is the world’s largest
single owner of equities. On average it
owns 1.5% of every listed firm globally.
This seemed improbable when Mr
Slyngstad joined in 1998. The price of oil
was falling towards $10 a barrel. The idea
of an oil-reserve fund seemed risible. Yet
Mr Slyngstad left a well-paid job in the
private sector. What attracted him was
autonomy. He and his senior colleagues
used it to build a fund manager based on
sound principles. Discipline, solidity,
minimising errors—these Borg-like
tenets are difficult to follow when man-
aging a portfolio. But they are key to
investing success.
Norway’s oil fund was set up in 1996.
Its founding stemmed from an aware-
ness that oil-producing countries run
into trouble. One trap is the “resource
curse”, the corruption that mineral
wealth often fosters. Another is “Dutch
disease”—currency appreciation that
then retards the progress of other export
industries. The fund is primarily a means
to smooth the effect of volatile oil rev-

enues on the government’s budget. All oil
revenue is paid into it. It then makes a
steady contribution to the budget. A de-
cade-long oil boom created a windfall. The
fund came to be seen in a new light, as an
endowment for future generations. At its
peak last year, it was worth around three
times Norway’s annual gdp.
Its wealth is also the fruit of judicious
investment. Mr Slyngstad was brought in
to build the fund’s equities arm; until then
all the money had been in bonds. In princi-
ple, a long-horizon investor should tilt
towards riskier shares. But even the best
principles can be hard to follow. This
became clear soon after Mr Slyngstad was
made boss. The fund had raised the equity
share of its portfolio from 40% towards
60% during 2008. The timing looked bad.
The stockmarket crashed in the autumn. A
rally in the fund’s bond holdings limited
the damage. Still, the fund lost 23%.
There was then a tough decision to
make. The principles of the fund called for
rebalancing: selling bonds that had gone
up in value to buy shares that had become
cheaper, thus reaching the 60% equity

weight. It takes stomach to buy assets
that others are fleeing from. Some funds
suspended their rebalancing rules. Was
there hesitation? “Yes, of course,” says Mr
Slyngstad. It was a big political risk. If the
stockmarket did not revive, there would
be a reckoning. Even so, the finance
ministry gave its blessing. “We ended up
buying $175bn of equities, 0.5% of the
market, during a huge crisis.” This set the
fund up nicely for the ten-year bull mar-
ket that followed. Rebalancing is now
hard-wired into its processes. There are
times, such as now, when shares have
again fallen a long way and it is easy to
lose your nerve. It is usually the worst
time to do so.
The fund’s long-term focus means it
can be bold during crises. But there are
also constraints that do not apply to
other investors. The need for transpa-
rency rules out dabbling in private-
equity funds. nbimhas been a pioneer in
socially responsible investment. This
might look like Nordic do-goodery and a
sop to posturing politicians. But the
approach is hard-headed. A lot of deci-
sions to exclude stocks are taken with an
eye to long-term returns. Coal shares, for
instance, are out because the business
does not appear to have a lasting future.
Companies in emerging markets that do
not pass muster on corporate governance
are avoided. In general this has been a
way to improve returns.
The tennis analogy is: stay on your
baseline; eliminate basic errors; be solid
first—and only then, be smart. You will
win in the long term. A lot of fund man-
agers see a risk to their careers in looking
too far into the future. They may lose
clients in the meantime. Things are
different at Norway’s oil fund. “The
career risk”, says Mr Slyngstad, “is not to
implement the strategy.”

The departing boss of a big-hitting sovereign fund on building an asset manager

erty services and consulting firm.
All told, households and firms owe
around $125bn. How much of that might go
unpaid? It seems likely that the 3.3m work-
ers who signed up for unemployment
benefits in the week to March 21st will have
also sought relief from their landlords or
their banks. Economists at the University
of Chicago reckon that two-thirds of Amer-
icans cannot work entirely from home.
Many may lose some pay as a result.
Some businesses might be able to keep
earning even while their offices are shut.
Retailers less so. A slew have already said

that they won’t cough up. Nike, a sports-
wear-maker, says it will service half its rent
this month. The Cheesecake Factory, a res-
taurant chain, plans to pay nothing at all.
The damage done to the financial sys-
tem depends in large part on how flexible
landlords and creditors can be. Govern-
ment intervention should allow many
households to postpone payments. The
vast majority of residential mortgages are
held, or backed, by government-sponsored
entities (gses), like Fannie Mae and Fred-
die Mac (see chart on previous page). The
government has ordered these to grant for-

bearance to homeowners, and has imposed
a moratorium on foreclosures. The Federal
Reserve will buy unlimited quantities of
mortgage-backed securities (mbs) issued
by gses. Small residential landlords should
also be well-supported by such measures.
These own the majority of rental properties
and owe $4.3trn in mortgages.
The commercial sector, though, has less
flexibility. Most mortgages for retail and
office spaces, which are worth a combined
$3trn, are taken out by professional land-
lords. They are usually owed to one of four
groups: banks, life insurers, the holders of
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