The Economist USA - 28.03.2020

(Wang) #1

14 The EconomistMarch 28th 2020

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Taiwan’s response to covid-
Countries are indeed strug-
gling to cope with covid-
(“The politics of pandemics”,
March 14th). But China’s
approach is not the only way to
suppress its spread. Taiwan
has relatively few cases of the
disease. Learning harsh
lessons from the sarscrisis in
2003, the government of
Taiwan acted swiftly and
established a central command
centre in order to respond to
the outbreak. Taiwan’s health
minister held press confer-
ences almost every day to
provide updates and infor-
mation. Tests on travellers
from Wuhan, the Chinese city
where the outbreak started,
began in December, one month
ahead of China. Technology
using big-data analysis was
applied for intensive health
Despite being excluded
from participating in the
World Health Organisation
because of pressure from
China, Taiwan sent an early
warning to the international
health body about the risk of
transmission of the corona-
virus between humans at the
end of December. However, the
warning was not shared with
other countries by the who
because of its relationship
with China. That error ulti-
mately delayed the global
response to the pandemic. The
politics of pandemics, which
exists inside the whoas well as
between states, should be
unacceptable to any country
that cares about public health.
The Chinese propaganda
machine is trying to convince
the world that its draconian
response to the coronavirus is
the only way to combat its
spread; other countries are
following its lead. Taiwan
proves that democracies can
successfully fight the virus
without an authoritarian
response. Given the nature of
China’s autocratic system,
Taiwan should serve as a better
democratic model for manag-
ing pandemics.
david lin
Taipei Representative Office in
the United Kingdom

Politics in Myanmar
You provided good context for
the recent failure by civilian
lawmakers to limit the gener-
als’ power in Myanmar
(“Making war and law”, March
14th). Since 1962 the armed
forces have determined to
control power in perpetuity,
which they have accomplished
through rule by decree
(1962-74, 1988-2011), a single-
party socialist system con-
trolled by the army (1974-88),
and, since the manipulated
elections in 2010, through a
constitution which the gener-
als dictate and cannot be
altered without their approval.
Yet this continuous military
control was not only based on
command of all forces of coer-
cion, but, until recently, all
avenues of social mobility (a
contrast with all other armies
in Asia with no such pervasive
power). That has now gradually
broken down through politi-
cal, economic, educational and
civil advances. Military control
will probably ebb, though
slowly and in relation to assur-
ances of the unity of the state
and the army’s autonomy from
civilian political restraints. But
the local elections of 2020 will
not change that trajectory.
david steinberg
Professor emeritus of Asian
studies at Georgetown
Bethesda, Maryland

The primary problem
Lexington was right to point
out that our primary system
poorly reflects the public
interest (February 29th). The
column referred to a paper by
the Brookings Institution,
which says that “party organi-
sations need to find ways to
reassert more control over
their candidate selection
processes before candidates
reach the primary ballot.”
The error is in the way we
vote. When only a single vote is
allowed, moderates split their
votes and radicals win. There
are several better options, such
as “approval voting”, which
was recently implemented in
Fargo, North Dakota, and will
soon be on the ballot in St

Louis. It favours consensus
and increases the quality of
candidates by not being vul-
nerable to vote splitting. Amer-
icans should try several differ-
ent local methods, so that we
can ultimately replace the
current silly national system.
felix sargent
Board of directors
Centre for Election Science
Oakland, California

Getting elephants to bee-have
Conflict between humans and
elephants remains a problem
in many parts of the world,
including Sri Lanka (Banyan,
February 29th). There is a very
simple and cost-effective
natural solution: beehive
fences. Elephants are terrified
of bees and will flee at even the
sound of them. Beehive fences
involve wires strung between
hives; if elephants walk
through the wires they irritate
the bees, which swarm out and
chase them away. Lucy King
developed the concept and it is
now used widely in east Africa
(see her recenttedtalk). Not
only is it an effective deterrent,
farmers can also make money
from selling honey.
richard milburn
King’s College London

Vital writing on viruses
In this particular moment of
crisis, Freeman Dyson’s ideas
on the origin of life are of
particular interest (Obituary,
March 14th). In a humble “not
scientific theory”, Dyson
proposed that rna, the infor-
mation engine of viruses, was
at the origin of cells’ dna. With
time, the rnaand the cells
learned how to collaborate and
“grew gradually into a harmo-
nious unity”. Dyson was a
supporter of the idea that
symbiosis, or collaboration, is
among the driving forces
behind evolution in cells as
much as in societies. He an-
swered an unsolicited email I
sent him last January with kind
words: “At age 96, I am lucky to
be still smart enough to know
that I am not as smart as I used
to be.” Kindness and humble-
ness often go together. He was

still one of the smartest people
on the planet when he wrote
those words.
mario alemi

The meaning of congenital
Your piece on curing rare
genetic diseases with targeted
therapies showed what can be
done with analysis of our dna
(“Broken”, March 14th).
Unfortunately its subheading
was “Congenital disease”.
Congenital means originating
from the time of birth and
covers genetic and non-genetic
defects, like my own con-
genital anosmia. I don’t intend
to have my gene analysed in
order to be able to smell.
peter tompkins

Living in Arcadia
I was amused to read your
piece on British house names
(“Dun Namin’”, March 14th).
Some of us did not have a
choice. When we moved to our
house 16 years ago there were
numbers on the opposite side
of the road but not ours, so we
had to choose a name. Hasle-
mere incidentally is a post-
man’s hell for two reasons: a
very high number of named
houses and many steep hills.
jock gardner
Haslemere, Surrey

There is a sixth category of
house names: the professions.
My uncle, a pharmacist, called
his house Nux Vomica.
keith hunter

When I dealt with retired per-
sonnel in the Royal Air Force
an inordinate number of them
named their home Llamedos.
Eventually, I realised the con-
nection to Dylan Thomas’s
Llareggub, “bugger all”.
clive rainbow
Speen, Berkshire
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