The Economist USA - 28.03.2020

(Wang) #1
The EconomistMarch 28th 2020 Europe 47


n most languages, if someone said
you had cancer, it would be a diagnosis.
In Dutch, it is more likely to be an insult.
Kankerlijer(“cancer-sufferer”) is one of a
long list of Dutch profanities and explet-
ives derived from diseases. An undesir-
able person might be told to “typhus off”
(optyfussen) or “get consumption” (krijg
de tering). If in (American) English you
laugh your ass off, in Dutch you might
“laugh yourself the pleurisy” (lachen je de
pleuris). No one in England has been
called a “poxy bitch” for centuries, but in
the Netherlands you can still call some-
one apokkenteef. A damned long way is a
klereneind(“cholera-end”). And so on.

Because expletives are based on social
taboos, in most cultures they are linked
to sex, excrement or religion. Many
Dutch swear words are as well, but they
often feel weaker than the medical ones.
Schijtis less like its English cognate and
more like the gentler Frenchmerde.
Mierenneuker(“ant-fucker”) is an ano-
dyne expression for someone who fusses
over details. “Whore” is an insult in
Dutch too, but when the rapper Lil’
Kleine had a beef with pop singer Anouk
last autumn, he went with the harsher
Scholars are not sure why the Dutch
swear with illnesses. One theory links it
to Calvinism, the puritanical strain of
Protestantism that caught on here in the
16th century, which holds that the virtue
of those destined for heaven will show
itself in worldly prosperity, health and
hygiene. “There was a shift in focus from
the afterlife to this life, which, for ex-
ample, diminished the strength of ‘God
damn it’,” says Marten van der Meulen, a
Dutch linguist and author of a book on
swearing. On this theory, “a curse might
be stronger if you used something in
actual life, like a disease.”
However, there is also what linguists
call the frequency hypothesis: the Dutch
may curse with diseases simply because
it caught on. Language, as Laurie An-
derson said, is a virus. Perhaps someday
Dutch kids will savage each other on the
playground with cries ofcoronalijer.

Dutch disease


A country where sicknesses are curses


t was shapingup to be a bumper year for
the Hotel Esplanade in Dortmund. On
February 13th its owners threw a big party
to celebrate a €2.5m ($2.7m) extension, and
to mark the moment that Katja Kortmann
took over as manager from her retiring fa-
ther. Two weeks later the cancellations be-
gan: first a trickle, then a tidal wave of up to
300 a day. On March 27th the Esplanade will
close its doors to guests and send its 40
staff home. The plan is to reopen on April
19th, but Ms Kortmann doubts that will
happen. “It’s just tragic,” she says.
Desperate times, desperate measures.
On March 25th Germany’s mps—sitting the
requisite two metres apart in the Bundes-
tag—backed an extraordinary set of poli-
cies designed to shield the country’s work-
ers and companies from the worst ravages
of the virus. Even sceptical observers have
been surprised by the government’s speed
and boldness. Its package, the most com-
prehensive in Europe, includes several ele-
ments, some of them dusted off from pre-
vious crises.
Chief among them is an expansion of
Kurzarbeit(short-time work), under which
the state pays 60-67% of the forgone wages
of workers whose hours are cut. The
scheme, copied across Europe, helped Ger-
many avoid mass lay-offs in 2008-09, but
Ms Kortmann’s experience shows how
things will differ this time. In the previous
crisis, notes Sebastian Dullien of the imk
research institute, manufacturers that
faced declining orders used Kurzarbeitto
reduce the hours of shift workers. Now the
scheme will have to bolster consumer-fac-
ing outfits whose customers evaporated
overnight. Almost all the Esplanade’s staff,
including Ms Kortmann, will be on zero
hours once the hotel shuts. The govern-
ment is planning for Kurzarbeitto extend to
2.15m workers—5% of those with jobs—at a
cost of €10bn for a year.
Larger firms can avail themselves of
€400bn in liquidity guarantees issued by a
new Economic Stabilisation Fund, mod-
elled on a bank bail-out fund from 2008.
Another €100bn may be reserved for direct
equity stakes in companies, including
“strategic” firms at risk of takeover, and the
same amount can be provided to the state
development bank, which Olaf Scholz, the
finance minister, has promised will lend in
unlimited quantities to troubled firms.
Germany’s 3m small companies and free-
lancers, meanwhile, can receive grants of

€9,000-15,000 to cover fixed costs like rent
as long as they can prove that they have
been hurt by the pandemic, which should
not be hard. Along with various other
measures the package amounts to a cool
€750bn (though the full sum is unlikely to
be used). Several German states are offer-
ing further help and Mr Scholz has hinted
at a separate post-crisis stimulus.
Germany has had to slaughter several
sacred cows to get here. The government’s
supplementary budget foresees borrowing
of €156bn this year, around 4% of gdp,
which means the hallowed schwarze Null
(“black zero”) no-deficit policy, in force
since 2014, is history. The Bundestag had to
invoke an emergency clause in the consti-
tutional debt brake, which normally limits
borrowing to 0.35% of gdp. A rotating cast
of international financial institutions has
long urged Germany to loosen its purse-
strings. It took covid-19 to do what the imf
and European Central Bank could not.

For now the measures will cushion the
worst of the blow. But for smaller firms
with thin cash reserves, the help will only
go so far. Alexander Zimmer, who runs the
Marienburg Monheim Manor, a conference
centre near Dusseldorf, is one example. His
workers will receive Kurzarbeitergeld, but
he will top it up to a full salary to make life
easier for them. He thinks he can do that for
three months at most.
At the European level there has been
some cross-border solidarity: several Ger-
man states have accepted patients from
overloaded French and Italian hospitals.
But the German government is unwilling to
heed requests to back jointly guaranteed
euro-zone debt (see Charlemagne). “If
we’re declaring war on the virus, euro-
bonds should be the instrument of choice,
but I’m not hopeful,” says Moritz Schular-
ick, an economics professor at the Univer-
sity of Bonn. The pandemic has changed a
lot in Germany. But not everything. 7

Germany spends big to combat the
corona crunch


Money for all

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