
(Wang) #1
Infinite Texture


Review by Gilmar Smith

Add Depth to Your Photoshop Images
from a Multitude of Textures

Company: Infinite Texture Panel

Price: $2 29

Rating: 5

Hot: Massive library of textures free
for commercial use


Textures are used to create depth, stylize images, unify their
look, add special effects, create mood, etc., but finding the
right textures is always a challenge. You can create or shoot
them yourself, or you can buy them, which can bring another
issue to the table: usage and licensing. And yet another issue is
storing and finding them again on your computer.
The Infinite Texture Panel was created by Pratik Naik and
Stefan Kohler to make this process a lot easier for creators using
Photoshop CC 2018 and above, and also give you access to
high-resolution, free commercial-use textures galore. The Infi-
nite Texture Panel isn’t just a massive library of high-resolution
textures free for commercial use, though. The library is so vast
that, in order to get the best from the panel, you also get access
to an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Visualizer, which is extremely
helpful for searching and using textures.
Let me explain by showing you how the actual Infinite Tex-
ture Panel works. (Note: It looks and works pretty much like
the Infinite Color and B&W Panels that I reviewed previously.)
To add a texture, just click on Create; every time you click on
the Create button, a new texture will appear. There are a few
categories above the Create button, such as Elements, Particles,
All, Lights, and Overlays; but the Panel contains way too many
different types of textures, and it would probably take a great



>^ MARCH 2020

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