
(Wang) #1
[ 77 ]


Step 15: Repeat Steps Nine through
14 for the lights directly above the
columns, but name the layers and
folders “White Lights Above Col-
umns” and “Ruby Lights Above
Columns.” The only difference this
time around is that we want to set
the ruby Solid Color Fill layers to an
Opacity of 15% instead of 25%, as
we did with the Ruby Dome Lights.

Step 16: Continue this same process
for the rest of the lights. We ended up
with four more layer groups: White
Lights on Building Behind Dome;
Ruby Lights on Building Behind Dome;
White Stairs, Plants, and Statue Lights;
and Ruby Stairs, Plants, and Statue
Lights. Set the ruby adjustment layers
in all these sets to 25%.
Keep in mind that the white light
groups in this step should be set to
the Pass Through blending mode with
an Opacity of 75%; all the ruby light
groups should be set to Linear Dodge
(Add) with an Opacity of 50%.

Step 17: In the Ruby Stairs, Plants,
and Statue Lights group, dupli-
cate the bottom Ruby Stairs, Plants,
and Statue Lights adjustment layer.
Reduce the duplicate layers’ Opac-
ity to 16%, and change it’ blend-
ing mode to Soft Light. Change
your brush’s Hardness setting in the
Options Bar to 100% (click on the
brush thumbnail to access this).
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