
(Wang) #1

>^ MARCH 2020

[ 78 ]

› › HOW TO

Step 18: Switch your Foreground
color to black, and on the mask of
the Ruby Stairs, Plants, and Statue
Lights (bottom) adjustment layer,
paint with a brush only over the
statue and its shadow.
On the mask of the duplicated
Ruby Stairs, Plants, and Statue layer
(middle layer), paint with a brush
only over the stairs. The reason for
this two-step process is to even out
the light reflection on the statue and
stairs, otherwise the lights would be
too harsh on the statue and reflec-
tion on the Festival Hall.

Step 19: We’ll now start the illumi-
nation process of all of the lights. I’m
leaving all the white lights as-is since
color bulbs are more aesthetically
pleasing and would have attracted
more attention during the fair than
clear (white) lights. Return to the Ruby
Lights on Columns folder, duplicate
that folder, change its blend mode
from Linear Dodge (Add) to Vivid
Light, and change its Opacity to 80%.
Notice on the columns, the illumina-
tion is already taking shape and add-
ing depth to the lighting within the
Festival Hall.

Step 20: Return to the Emerald
Lights on Columns folder, duplicate
that folder, change its blend mode
from Linear Dodge (Add) to Vivid
Light, and change its Opacity to 80%.
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