Stillness Is the Key by Ryan Holiday

(Barry) #1


One of the simplest and most accessible entry points into stillness is
gratitude. Gratitude for being alive, for the lucky breaks you’ve
gotten, and for all the people in your life who have helped you. Each
morning, I try to take some time to think about these very things, but
for the most part, such thanks remain private. With this little space
allowed to me here, I’d like to thank everyone who helped make this
book possible—my wife, Samantha, first and foremost. I am grateful
for her guidance and support and natural stillness, which I learn
from constantly. My son, Clark, who went on many long walks with
me as I worked out the words in this book. My sister, Amy, whose
poise and strength as she battles cancer has deeply moved and
humbled me. I am grateful to my agent and collaborator, Steve
Hanselman, who helped not only with translations but with the
shaping of the idea. Nils Parker, who has been a sounding board for
my writing ideas for over a decade now, and Brent Underwood for all
his help marketing and building my platform. Thank you to Hristo
Vassilev for all his important research and fact-checking help. Niki
Papadopoulos, my editor, and the rest of the Portfolio team at
Penguin Random House—thank you for all the work on all my books.
To the logos that brought all these people and factors together...
I should also thank my donkeys and cows and goats (for their
lessons on being, not doing), but there are too many to name. I’m
also grateful for the chance to workshop many of the ideas in this
book on Thought Catalog, Observer, Medium, and
My final and most serious gratitude goes out to the thinkers and
philosophers whose ideas make up this book. It would not have been
possible without them, but more important, their insights and

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