Stillness Is the Key by Ryan Holiday

(Barry) #1

These were people with busy, collaborative professions. People
who made countless high-stakes decisions in the course of a day. But
a couple hours without chatter, without other people in their ear,
where they could simply think (or not think), they could recharge
and find peace. They could be still—even if they were moving. They
could finally hear, even if over the sounds of a roaring river or the
music of Vivaldi.
Each of us needs to cultivate those moments in our lives. Where
we limit our inputs and turn down the volume so that we can access a
deeper awareness of what’s going on around us. In shutting up—even
if only for a short period—we can finally hear what the world has
been trying to tell us. Or what we’ve been trying to tell ourselves.
That quiet is so rare is a sign of its value. Seize it.
We can’t be afraid of silence, as it has much to teach us. Seek it.
The ticking of the hands of your watch is telling you how time is
passing away, never to return. Listen to it.

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