Sight&Sound - 05.2020

(Jacob Rumans) #1
May 2020 | Sight&Sound | 25

  1. Lady Audley’s Secret
    Jack Denton, UK
    Cleverly adapted by Eliot Stannard from
    Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s novel of 1862,
    a forerunner of the detective novel. Lady
    Audley’s distaste for poverty drives her to
    extremes, which include casually tipping an
    inconvenient first husband down a well.

  2. From Morning to Midnight
    Karl Heinz Martin, Germany
    Robert Neppach’s flat sets for From Morning to
    Midnight, adapted from Georg Kaiser’s play by
    the expressionist theatre director Karl Heinz
    Martin, are highly stylised. This unsettling
    avant-garde fever dream takes place over a
    single day: a bank clerk encounters a rich
    woman, realises how much power money
    has, and reacts by robbing his employers and
    heading to the big city to spend the loot.

  3. Within Our Gates
    Oscar Micheaux, US
    The first feature to be released by an African-
    American director, Within Our Gates is a black
    response to the racist themes of films such
    as D.W. Griffith’s Klan-celebrating Birth of a
    Nation (1915). Evelyn Preer plays a young black
    woman from the rural South who travels
    north to raise money to save a school.

  4. La Belle Dame sans merci
    Germaine Dulac, France
    Abandoned by the man who seduced her, a
    woman sets out to become a femme fatale,
    determined to cause suffering. Dulac’s female
    protagonists always subvert expectation

  • as does her impressionist film
    style, years ahead of its time.

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