2020-04-01 Bon Appetit

(coco) #1


ABOUT TWO AND A HALF YEARS AGO, I decided it would

be a good idea to write a book on the side of my full-

time job as a writer (or as I prefer to say, blogger) for

the New Yorker.

In retrospect, I should have planned to take some

time off work, but in defense of my own stupidity—a

good subtitle for a book, come to think of it—I can only

say that, like any other millennial who lacks the

weighted blanket of family money, I understand the

world I came of age in as a sort of Luigi’s Mansion of

institutional collapse and economic precariousness.

Even now I feel fairly certain that if I ever stop working

for more than 45 minutes I’ll lose my health insurance,
bring a curse upon my loved ones, get into an exciting
freak accident, and then die.
But after about a month of trying to activate my book
muscles when I was—to use a rather old-fashioned
phrase—“done with work for the day,” I realized that
my attempts to demarcate one project from another
were (at best) not working and (if I’m being real) ter-
ribly sad. Techniques such as “washing my face at 4
p.m.” and “changing from day sweatpants into night
sweatpants” radiated desperation and unconvincing
performance. It was like putting a checkout divider

Will Write for Pasta
How holing up in a series of remote Airbnbs to work on my book and eat
noodles by the pot reminded me why I write in the first place

The Read
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