The Economist UK - 30.11.2019

(backadmin) #1


Managing Director of the Global Mechanism
Bonn, Germany
Closing date for applications: 2 January 2020

Established in 1994, the United Nations Convention to Combat
Desertification (UNCCD) is the sole legally binding international
agreement linking environment and development to sustainable
land management. The Global Mechanism (GM) is an organ of
the UNCCD that is mandated to support country Parties to the
Convention in the mobilization of resources for its implementation.

The Managing Director of the Global Mechanism of the UNCCD
guides the implementation of the mandate of the GM, offering
support to developing countries on how to scale up implementation
of the Convention and achieve Land Degradation Neutrality.
Specifically, the Managing Director:

  1. Supports countries in taking bold actions to address
    desertification, land degradation and drought (DLDD) and
    making it a priority in country policies, programs, and
    transformational projects;

  2. Provides vision and direction to the GM’s work on finance in
    support of DLDD activities;

  3. Plans and strategically manages all aspects of human resources
    for the GM and oversees the administrative tasks necessary for
    the functioning of the Office.

For details on the vacancy announcement, please go to:

Executive focus

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