The Economist UK - 30.11.2019

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36 Europe The EconomistNovember 30th 2019


urélie, aged 50; Justine, 20; Martine,
64; Safia, 35; Denise, 58; Monique, 72;
Aminata, 31. The names on the placards,
carried by tens of thousands of protesters
through the streets of Paris and other cities
on November 23rd, were those of women
murdered by their partners in France so far
this year. Strangled, stabbed, suffocated,
shot or beaten to death, the victims now to-
tal 138. The grim phenomenon, which cam-
paigners call féminicide, has long been un-
der-reported and poorly handled in France.
The government now recognises the coun-
try’s “collective failure” on the matter.
France has one of the worst records in
the eufor the toll of women murdered by
their partners. In 2017, the most recent year
for which comparative data exist, 108 wom-
en were killed in such circumstances in
France, up from 92 two years previously.
Germany saw worse, with 153 such murders
in 2017, but the record in both countries is
far worse than in Britain (75) or Italy (56). In
France they constitute over 10% of all mur-
ders each year. In the past, as if to excuse
them, such killings were often treated as
crimes passionnels. Today, campaign groups
want it known that these are in reality un-
speakable cold-blooded murders.
Although Frenchwomen did not get the
vote until 1944, France has since come a
long way on women’s rights. More recently
it has passed legislation to promote more
women into the boardroom and elected of-

fice. In the wake of the #MeToo movement,
France has become more attuned to what
constitutes sexual harassment and aggres-
sion. Yet the country has had a blind spot
when it comes to handling complaints
about domestic violence. On March 3rd this
year, for example, Julie Douib, aged 35 and a
mother of two small children, was shot
dead by her partner. (He is now awaiting
trial for her murder.) Before her death, she

had filed five complaints of domestic vio-
lence to the police, according to Lucien
Douib, her father, who has since become a
campaigner against féminicide. Her case is
not atypical.
Pushed by such activists and by a vigor-
ous junior minister for equality, Marlène
Schiappa, the government has just fin-
ished a consultation on domestic violence.
On November 25th Edouard Philippe, the
prime minister, concluded that this has
helped “break this chain of silence”, and ex-
pose the “indifference”, “major dysfunc-
tion” and “systematic underestimation” of
the problem in France. A damning report
commissioned by the justice ministry re-
veals that two-thirds of the murdered
women were victims of previous acts of do-
mestic violence. In September President
Emmanuel Macron overheard the dysfunc-
tion at first hand when he sat in, anony-
mously, on a call to an emergency helpline.
Mr Philippe has now promised a series
of measures to try to ensure better detec-
tion and prevention of domestic violence
in France. They include training the police
in handling complaints, opening more
women’s shelters, making different bits of
the judicial system liaise better, and possi-
bly loosening the rules on medical confi-
dentiality in certain cases. “Silence kills,”
declared Mr Philippe this week, adding that
“The attitude of an entire society must be
changed.” 7

There is nothing passionate about the
killings of French women


In cold blood

Breaking the chain


n the distance, Orvieto’s cathedral
sits majestically on the massive out-
crop over which the city spreads. Nearby,
at the edge of the Alfina plateau, stands a
castle encircled by fields—part of the
landscape, between Orvieto and Lake
Bolsena, in which Alice Rohrwacher, an
Italian director, set her prize-winning
film “The Wonders”. After a long absence,
Ms Rohrwacher returned to find it trans-
formed. “Fields, hedges and trees [had
vanished] to make way for hazel planta-
tions as far as the eye could see,” she
wrote to the regional governors of Um-
bria and neighbouring Lazio.
Around the castle, 200 hectares are
earmarked for intensive hazelnut culti-
vation, says Vittorio Fagioli, a local envi-
ronmentalist. This is largely to satisfy
the world’s appetite for Nutella, the
sugary nut-and-chocolate gloop that has
helped transform the producer, Ferrero,
into a multinational with turnover of
more than €10bn ($11bn) last year. Under
a deal signed with a local farming con-

sortium, 700 hectares are to be given
over by 2023 to the growing of hazelnuts.
It is part of a plan to boost the area in Italy
devoted to hazelnuts from 70,000 to
90,000 hectares, extending it for the first
time to Umbria and other regions.
On the Alfina plateau, however, the
firm’s strategy is meeting vigorous oppo-
sition. According to Mr Fagioli, each tree
will need 30 litres of water a day, pesti-
cides to deter insects and fertilisers to
boost yields. Campaigners fear that all
those chemicals will drain into Lake
Bolsena, since it receives most of its
water from the plateau. They look appre-
hensively at Lake Vico in Lazio, ringed for
decades by hazel plantations, where in
2009 a build-up of chemicals produced
carcinogenic algae that required the
installation of a costly water-treatment
plant. Ferrero disagrees, saying that
hazelnut cultivation around Lake Bolse-
na is “marginal” and that crops such as
olives, grapes and apples need even more
chemicals. Nuts to you, in short.

The nuts of wrath


Locals in Umbria are worried by Nutella
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