The Economist UK - 30.11.2019

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The EconomistNovember 30th 2019 5

1 Contents continues overleaf


The world this week
10 A summary of political
and business news

15 Egalitarianism
Inequality illusions
16 Democracy and the web
Policing propaganda
17 Hong Kong
A clarion call
17 The twilight of the WTO
The umpire expires
18 Climate and energy
A bid for better batteries

20 On diversity, Palm Beach,
America’s army, AI
writers, Emmanuel

23 Inequality
Measuring the 1%
25 Wealth inequality in
In the rich man’s world

27 The expanding state...
28 ...and who will pay for it
28 Religion and politics
29 Swing seats: Warwick
30 Scotland’s 3D election
30 Britain’s biggest seat
31 The campaign in quotes
32 BagehotRedistributing

33 American tactical nukes
34 Turkey deports IS fighters
35 The murder haunting
35 The new Commission
36 Femicide in France
36 Nutella worries Italians
37 Charlemagne
Post-Merkel syndrome

United States
39 Mr Trump and his generals
40 Michael Bloomberg’s run
41 Sanctions galore
43 Big tech and political ads
43 Black Friday dreams
44 LexingtonImpeachment

The Americas
45 Fighting corruption
46 Cuba and the dollar
48 BelloThe street and the

Middle East & Africa
49 Darfur’s peace prospects
50 Fight club in Ghana
51 Likud reconsiders Bibi
51 Repression in Egypt
52 Yemen’s food fight

ButtonwoodDo not write
off the macro hedge-fund
manager just yet, page 7 4

On the cover

Inequality could be lower than
you think. But there is still
plenty to do to make
economies fairer: leader,
page 15. As inequality rises
further up the political agenda,
some economists are
rethinking the numbers:
briefing, page 23. What would
millennial socialists do with
power?Page 80

  • Brassed off with Donald
    TrumpAmerica’s president falls
    out with the military
    establishment he once wooed,
    page 39

  • China’s forgotten migrant
    workersThe people who made
    this country an industrial giant
    face a bleak retirement:
    Chaguan,page 60

  • Pushing the limits of luxury
    Europe’s richest man tests the
    limits of the conglomerate
    model,page 63

  • Alibaba’s Amazon envy
    The thinking behind its Hong
    Kong listing: Schumpeter,
    page 68

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