Story of International Relations

(Marcin) #1

was that which responded to ‘urgent needs,’ and in this regard he urged
the ‘devising of procedures whereby the legitimate aspirations of dissatis-
fied peoples in a rapidly changing world may in the future be justly and
reasonably met.’^35

tHe liQuidAtion of tHe AustriAn committee

The eleventh session of the ISC took place in Prague between May 23
and May 27 and, in that context, the conference welcomed the participa-
tion of two new members: the Chilean Institute for International Studies
and the Mexican Committee for the Scientific Study of International
Relations. Adding to the conference’s more authentically international
flavour was the fact that observing at the conference were two dele-
gates from Brazil and three from Japan. Kittredge and Brinkmann also
observed, the former on behalf of the Rockefeller Foundation and the
latter on behalf of Berber’s Berlin outfit. Berber himself was unable to
attend. For the first time, no savants from Austria participated in a ses-
sion of the ISC.^36
As was noted in Zimmern’s report of the ISC’s administrative meet-
ing in Prague, in light of ‘recent events,’ the Austrian Coordinating
Committee had decided to resign its membership of the conference.^37
This was not news to some of those present at Prague. Kittredge had
been acquainted with Voegelin for some years due to the latter’s receipt

(^35) Ibid., 5–7. Emphasis added.
(^36) International Studies Conference: XIth Session, Prague, 1938: List of Participants,
AG 1-IICI-K-XI-19, UA. See also ‘La Conférence permanente des hautes études interna-
tionales a tenu sa onzième session à Prague,’ Coopération Intellectuelle, nos. 89–90 (1938):
199–235, 235. In 1938, a plan was being entertained for the preparation of a new edi-
tion of the Répertoire international des centres de documentation politique which had been
published by the IIIC on behalf of the ISC in 1931. According to Leo Gross, a revised
edition was needed because the ISC wanted to ‘profit in particular from the considerable
extension in the number of members of the Conference...since 1931,’ and ‘in order to
extend the geographical range of...[the original]...list.’ See the circular sent by Leo Gross,
8 June 1938, concerning the ‘Revised Edition of “Centres of Reference for International
Affairs”’. Conférence permanente des hautes études internationales, publications (prépa-
ration): Répetoire international des centres de documentation politique, nouvelle édition.
1938–1939, AG 1-IICI-K-II-2.c, UA
(^37) Rapport sur la XIème réunion administratif de la Conférence permanente des hautes
études internationales tenue à Prague, le 26 mai 1938, par le Rapporteur Sir Alfred
Zimmern, AG 1-IICI-K-XI-21, UA.

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