Story of International Relations

(Marcin) #1

to enter into negotiations in order that ...[his]...correspondence on this
subject might not be misunderstood by the authorities.’^42
Voegelin informed Kittredge of these developments in a letter dated
April 5, 1938, in the hope that Kittredge could assist him in his quest
for academic employment in the United States or elsewhere. Letters
requesting such assistance were sent to many other figures and insti-
tutions, for example, to Davis at the European Centre of the Carnegie
Endowment for Peace and Whitton at the GRC.^43 In some of his let-
ters outlining his curriculum vitae, Voegelin highlighted his role as sec-
retary of the Austrian Coordinating Committee for International Studies
and his organisation in Paris in 1937 at the Tenth International Studies
Conference of a ‘special study group on the Austrian problem.’^44
It was against the background of Voegelin’s bleak academic pros-
pects in Austria, that Kittredge discussed with Voegelin the latter’s plans
to come to France in August from where Voegelin hoped travel to the
United States.^45 At a meeting on May 14, Kittredge, who held Voegelin
in high esteem and wanted to improve the latter’s chances of finding
employment in the United States, offered on behalf of the Rockefeller
Foundation ‘to pay one-half of the salary, for three years, of any appoint-
ment offered to...[him] an American university.’^46

(^42) Eric Voegelin to Tracey B. Kittredge, in Gebhardt, ed., The Collected Works of Eric
Voegelin, vol. 29, Selected Correspondence 1924–1949, 145–46.
(^43) Ibid. A portion of the letter that Eric Voegelin sent to John B. Whitton is reproduced
in Cooper, Eric Voegelin and the Foundations of Modern Political Science, 12n. See also Eric
Voegelin to Malcolm W. Davis, 5 April 1938, in Gebhardt, ed., The Collected Works of Eric
Voegelin, vol. 29, Selected Correspondence 1924–1949, 143–44.
(^44) Eric Voegelin to Frederick A. Ogg, Head of the Political Science Department,
University of Wisconsin, 28 May 1938, in Cooper, Eric Voegelin and the Foundations
of Modern Political Science, 13. For mention of Voegelin’s work in connection with the
ISC, see Eric Voegelin to Gottfried Harberler, 10 May 1938 and attached curriculum
vitae, and Voegelin to Head of the Political Science Department, University of Wisconsin,
May 24, 1938, in Gebhardt, ed., The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin, vol. 29, Selected
Correspondence 1924–1949, 155–61, 162–65. Among the memoranda submitted to
the ISC for the benefit of its 1937 session by the Austrian Coordinating Committee for
International Studies were three memoranda produced by a ‘study group on ideological
questions.’ International Studies Conference, Peaceful Change: Procedures, Population, Raw
Materials, Colonies, 634.
(^45) Kittredge to Bonnet, 7 July 1938, AG-IICI-K-I-4.b, UA.
(^46) Voegelin to Ogg, 28 May 1938, in Cooper, Eric Voegelin and the Foundations of Modern
Political Science, 14. The date on which Kittredge met with Voegelin is indicated by Voegelin
in a letter he sent to Gottfried Harbeler which is dated May 15, 1938. See Gebhardt, ed., The
Collected Works of Eric Voegelin, vol. 29, Selected Correspondence 1924–1949, 161–62

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