Story of International Relations

(Marcin) #1


on the subject one tenth of the size of the Prague conference, which, he
insisted, was the most representative of its kind yet.^62
A further sign of the development and maturation of international
studies came in the form of three volumes that were presented to mem-
bers of the conference. One of these volumes bore the title Les sciences
sociales en France: Enseignement et recherche and had been submitted
by the Commission français de coordination des hautes études interna-
tionales. Published in 1937 under the auspices of the Centre d’études
de politique étrangère, this volume was based on a report prepared by a
group of social scientists chaired by Bouglé. A substantial section of this
report concerned the development of international studies in France and,
in this respect, it was inspired by Stanley Hartnoll Bailey’s International
Studies in Great Britain (1933) and by a survey prepared by Edith E.
Ware called The Study of International Relations in the United States:
Survey for 1934.^63
Ware’s survey, as Ware noted in the preface to The Study of
International Relations in the United States: Survey for 1934, owed ‘its
existence’ to Shotwell as ‘the making of such a survey was his idea, the
collaborators were chosen by him, and he...[had]...piloted through all the
stages of its compilation.’^64 In 1933, Shotwell had assumed the chairman-
ship of the American National Committee on Intellectual Cooperation
of the League of Nations and it was on behalf of this committee that
Columbia University Press had published Ware’s survey. The publica-
tion was an immediate success as evidenced by the fact that a reprint of
it appeared in 1935. In early 1938, a new edition appeared: The Study
of International Relations in the United States: Survey for 1937. This

(^62) Alfred E. Zimmern, preface to Zimmern, ed., The University Teaching of International
Relations, 1. Attending the conference on the university teaching of international relations
in Prague were representatives from the following countries: Australia, Belgium, Brazil,
Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Czechoslovakia, France, Great Britain, Hungary, Japan, the
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, Yugoslavia and the United
(^63) Zimmern, ed., The University Teaching of International Relations, 6. See also Centre
d’études de politique étrangère, Le Groupe d’études des sciences sociales, Les sciences
sociales en France: Enseignement et recherche, préface de C. Bouglé (Paris: Paul Hartmann,
1937), 6–7.
(^64) Edith E. Ware, ed., The Study of International Relations in the United States: Survey for
1934 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1934), ix.

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