Story of International Relations

(Marcin) #1

edition was also published under the auspices of the American National
Committee on Intellectual Cooperation and it too was presented to the
conference on university teaching of international relations at Prague.
The third of the three volumes presented to the Prague conference was
Bailey’s International Studies in Modern Education. This particular work
was a survey of progress in the field of international studies internationally
and at all levels of education. International Studies in Modern Education,
which was published under the auspices of the RIIA, was distributed
to participants in the Prague conference on university teaching by the
Rockefeller Foundation, which had, along with the Carnegie Endowment
for International Peace, financed the research on which it was based.^65
The Rockefeller Foundation also financed a French translation of
International Studies in Modern Education which had been facilitated by
the IIIC and which was published just before the Prague meeting under
the heading of Les études internationales dans l’enseignement contempo-
rain.^66 Both the foundation and the endowment, ‘ prepare
in all countries a sort of coalition of the scientific spirit with the inter-
national spirit,’ as Bouglé noted in the preface to Les sciences sociales en
France, had also supported the inquiry into the state of the social sciences
in France.^67 As with the earlier surveys of international studies con-
ducted by Bailey and Ware, the origins of Les sciences sociales en France,
The Study of International Relations in the United States: Survey for 1937
and International Studies in Modern Education can be traced to a resolu-
tion of the Joint Committee of the International Studies Conference and
the League’s Sub-Committee of Experts for the Instruction of Youth in
the Aims of the League which had issued from the 1931 session of the
CISSIR in Copenhagen and which had later been approved by the ICIC
and after that by the LON Assembly.^68

(^65) Zimmern, ed., The University Teaching of International Relations, 6. See also Edith E.
Ware, ed., The Study of International Relations in the United States: Survey for 1937 (New
York: Columbia University Press, 1938), and S. H. Bailey, International Studies in Modern
Education (London: Oxford University Press, 1938), viii.
(^66) Zimmern, ed., The University Teaching of International Relations, 6. On the transla-
tion and publication of the French edition of International Studies in Modern Education,
see Jiri F. Vranek to Tracey B. Kittredge, 17 May 1938, AG-IICI-K-I-4.b, UA.
(^67) Célestin Bouglé, preface to Centre d’études de politique étrangère, Le Groupe
d’études des sciences sociales, Les sciences sociales en France, 7.
(^68) Bailey, International Studies in Modern Education, v–vi.

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