Story of International Relations

(Marcin) #1


economic and juridical.’^142 That the conference adopted this topic was
based on a consensus reached at Bergen on the need for international
organisation in the political and economic domains and because of the
conviction among those present that at some point in the not too distant
future, new international institutions would have to be constructed.^143

A successful conference

In a letter dated November 9 posted from Virginia Beach, Virginia,
where he was staying in order to attend an IPR study meeting, Condliffe
informed Gross that the Bergen documentation and discussion had
received a very good reception in the United States. Most importantly,
Condliffe was able to tell Gross that the Rockefeller Foundation’s view
of the ISC’s 1939 study conference was highly favourable.^144 That the
proceedings and results of the Bergen conference had been received well
by the foundation, was a great relief to those involved in its organisation

(^142) The Study Programme of the International Studies Conference, Conférence per-
manente des hautes études internatonales: Rapporteur général, 1939–1941, Rapporteur
générale, 1939-1941, M. Pitman B. Potter, octobre 1939, 1939–1941, 1945–1947, AG
1-IICI-K-I-24, UA.
(^143) Institut International de Coopération Intellectuelle, L’Institut Internationale de
la Coopération Intellectuelle: 1925–1946, 293–94. Conference members agreed that in
the event of war they would stay in touch with each other and the conference secretar-
iat. International Studies Conference: Suggested Study Programme, October–November,
1939, AG 1-IICI-K-I-24, UA. Japanese members of the ISC proposed the topic of ‘Race
as a factor in the construction of a new world order’ and ‘Colonies Raw Materials and
Peace’. For these and other suggested topics see ‘Propositions pour le sujet d’étude de
la Conférence permanente des hautes études internatonales pour la période 1939–1941,’
Coopération Intellectuelle, nos. 101–102 (1939): 933–37.
(^144) J. B. Condliffe to Leo Gross, 9 November 1939, Organisation materielle de la XIIe
Session de la Conférence permanente des hautes études internationales (CPHÉI), 1er sep-
tembre 1939, AG 1-IICI-K-I-25.c, UA. See also Francis P. Miller to Bonnet, 12 December
1939, Conférence permanente des hautes études internatonales: Les politiques économi-
ques et la paix, dossier générale, du 1er mai 1939 à 1945, AG 1-IICI-K-I-22.c. The mem-
oranda submitted to the conference by invited experts were published by the IIIC. Two
of these memoranda, namely, Free Trade and Peace by Louis Baudin and World Trading
Systems: A Study of British and American Commercial Policies by Henry J. Tasca, both of
which were published by the IIIC in 1939, were very favourably reviewed in the following
review article: John Donaldson, review of Free Trade and Peace by Louis Baudin, and John
Donaldson, review of World Trading Systems by Henry J. Tasca, Annals of the American
Academy of Political and Social Sciences 210, no. 1 (1940): 146–47.

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